Any pics of a blue soft top out there? NMOT

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
Simon Lord
See my 5 and raise you.
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Any pics of a blue soft top out there? NMOT

Post by Simon Lord » Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:52 pm

Such nonsense really can't go unchallenged, Bill. Not on a sunny afternoon
when I can put off work for a few minutes longer by arguing the point with

While 'top' is perfectly logical and answers my question, thanks, you go on
to make some allegations about the English language and those who gave their
name to it which I think are founded more in patriotism than fairness
(rather like US foreign policy).

'To hood' as a verb refers to the covering of a falcon or other bird of
prey by putting a cloth or leather head cover - a hood - over it. This is
far more applicable to covering a car with a temporary fabric cover than to
covering an engine with metal.

A 'trunk' is a removable item which was strapped to the back of, or on top
of, a carriage. It was not an integral part of the carriage and therefore
the application of the term to the rear end of a car is somewhat illogical -
as language often is.

And it might be worth pointing out that, although I understand many US
citizens are completely unaware of the fact, the car (or automobile as you
would have it) is actually a European invention.

Furthermore, Indians (or Native Americans) notwithstanding, I rather suspect
the motivation for driving 5000 kms across the US was to see if there was
actually anything or anyone interesting there. From the fact that they went
the whole way, I deduce that the answer was no.

With which silly insult I shall return to speech writing.

Oh, by the way, have just met the owner of an MX5 with an Elan body kit
which I have seen around a couple of times. Apparently it used to belong to
a member of the club and the new lady owner is intending to join.
Interesting look, definitely different. What I love about this car is the
opportunity it gives you to accost total strangers in the street -
especially young blonde ones!

97 SR Ltd (sparkle green)

Bill Rehm

Any pics of a blue soft top out there? NMOT

Post by Bill Rehm » Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:39 pm

No doubt your conclusions associated with "young blondes" is correct.

On "nonsense" related matters, perhaps the "automobile" was a European
invention but it took Henry Ford to enable most people to own one. I beg
to differ regarding "finding nothing", they found California: the origin
of so many things embraced or having become popular here and in
Australia. Of course there are your comments about Foreign Policy to
which my response is simply "who ever believes life is fair I can be
called Bambi" :-)

Have a great W.E Mr S


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