New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003

New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by Mathew » Fri May 09, 2003 4:56 pm

Someone just pointed out this to me. ... 00304.html
It states that "If you suspect the vehicle's exhaust system has been modified and the noise is louder than you'd expect from its original equiptment, you should reject the vehicle".


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New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by SLYDIT » Fri May 09, 2003 5:20 pm

Ok so why do all those bikes with no mufflers at all
get warrants. It really Ticks me off that cops will
nab any boy racer for a loud exhaust and yet ignore
the biker with that krap sounding exhaust at 120
By the way NO reply from roadster performance re the
Glenn "SLYDIT"
--- Mathew <> wrote: >
Someone just pointed out this to me. ... 00304.html

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New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by biff » Fri May 09, 2003 9:45 pm

so suspicion is enough now, thats what Hitler applied to the Jews wasnt it?

Ross Bryon

New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by Ross Bryon » Fri May 09, 2003 10:30 pm

Whoa there! From WOF's to the Holocaust. That's one hell of a leap!

On Friday, May 9, 2003, at 09:45 PM, Xtra Mail wrote:


lou Girardin

New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by lou Girardin » Mon May 12, 2003 8:03 am

While some bikes do sound crap, anyone mention Harldly Davidsons?, a loud
exhaust on a bike means that some blind tosser in a car may hear you coming
before they pull out.

lou Girardin

New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by lou Girardin » Mon May 12, 2003 8:04 am

What isn't such a leap is summary justice at the roadside by some pimply faced
cop straight out of training.

Ian Chapman

New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by Ian Chapman » Mon May 12, 2003 8:09 am

I assume it's still okay to have a 120decibal thumping stereo that
annoys the hell out of anyone within 100m (even with windows in between
that don't filter out those annoying low frequencies) - ohh and probably
makes the driver completely unaware of anything happening around him.
Hmm - I wonder which is the real safety issue?!

How will rally cars get on - they have to have a WOF for touring stages
on public roads and they will all be noisier than factory.


Simon Lord
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New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by Simon Lord » Mon May 12, 2003 9:36 am

Hate to disagree with anyone, but noise pollution is one of the greatest
contributors to stress of our age. Seems that you can't go anywhere without
some idiot with a loud stereo, exhaust or voice crapping on other people's
right to enjoy their own peace. Restaurants are a prime example - so many play
music for the benefit of the staff alone.

Of course cars involved in active competition should be excluded from any such
regulations, but for the average road-going vehicle to have an over-loud
exhaust (whether it be car, bike or truck) is not acceptable. It's not so much
a matter of growing up, more a matter of respecting other people.

Simon (Grumpy of Redvale)
97 SR Ltd (sparkle green)

lou Girardin

New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by lou Girardin » Mon May 12, 2003 3:39 pm

I agree almost entirely, but cars are so sound proof and drivers so unaware of
anything around them, that there has to be some way of waking them up. Noisy
exhaust, hand grenade, whatever.

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New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by SLYDIT » Mon May 12, 2003 5:11 pm

I saw a programme a while back( I think it was plodice
seven eleven or something like that, where the cops
were "doing" boy racers for loud exhausts. Now the
standard of measurement,(correct me if im wrong) is to
hold the meter, 1 meter away from the exhaust tip and
at a 45 degree angle, and for the engine to be held at
a steady rpm of half the redline or 3000rpm.This is
how you get the DBM (Decibels/meter). if you halve the
distance the Dbm goes way up. Now this plod on this
programme stuffs the meter IN the tail pipe and tells
the poor boy to rev the engine, then says "thats a fail"... NO S&^T!".
Teach them how to use the instruments before they
become the wand that bites you.


New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by darryl » Mon May 12, 2003 7:06 pm

Ian, the stereo comparison is a good one.
We have a guy at work, I would call him a technical/computer live at home at
30 geek. This exhaust topic came up at work and he can't understand why
people have to modify their exhausts, no matter on reason could convince him
why we do it, performance, factory item dies etc or even audiable pleasure
(some don't fit this description obviously) but he thought it was good they
were being targeted and have to remain standard. Now he is a real audio
buff, weather it be home or car stereo. he knows some very technical garbo
and gets very excited on the topic, and when I suggested car stereos will be
next on the list, he couldn't understand why. When I suggested then that
would he rather be anoyed by a car that is 3 blocks away (stereo) and
rattles his house than an exhaust a car that only anoys as it races past for
3-4 seconds, he said he would welcome the car with the loud stereo. For the
life of me if this is the mentality of most then I can see why we live in
the world we do.


New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by darryl » Mon May 12, 2003 7:17 pm

If any of you read perfomance car magazine, you would have read the article on
db limits. The limits that are set, are breached by some interesting vehicles,
like the Auckland yellow busses, and that was at idle!
Harley Davisons, that they tested, has a build plate that stated the db from
their exhuast as standard were 91db, now this is above the set level set by
law, so how do they even make it onto the NZ market?? because they aren't the
target of the majority who are scared of your average HD rider.
Also to note, NZPC mag have a meeting with LTSA this week regarding this law,
numerous vehicles are being db tested, many with the Japanese JASMA compliant
exhausts. This is to gauge a decent proper db limit to which the LV|TSA could
work with as they weren't aware of suck Japanese laws, which for us, are far
better than what we are being lobbed with currently.
Also MANZ is in talks with them as well I understand, so all is not finished


New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by Nina » Mon May 12, 2003 7:17 pm

Darryl, I second that! Just because I like Pink Floyd it doesn't mean I have
to impose my taste in music on everybody else. (Althou I've been known to
enjoy "Brain Damage" blasting thru my speakers on a starry night with the
top down...) And this guy is 30... sheesh! Some people, geeks or not, just
have problems underdstanding the whole picture
Nik & the Dwarf


New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by darryl » Mon May 12, 2003 7:52 pm

I saw that too, it was actualy another cop that reved the car.
The actual rule says that the dbm has to be a certain distance away, at a 45
degree angle in controlled area. I tell you what, if that had been me that
was pulled over it would have ade for bloody good veiwing thats for sure.
That poor guy obviously didn't know any better so couldn't defend himself.
On another note, I believe the Dbm's they are using aren't the same as the
ones said required by law?

Nina, this geek is in his 30's and lives with his parents, how sad.

lou Girardin

New LTSA infosheet on exhausts

Post by lou Girardin » Tue May 13, 2003 8:26 am

Your average Harley rider is a B A B ( born again biker), 1st bikee for 20
years, works in his lawyers or accountants office Mon to Friday and would sure
terrify your average 3 year old.


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