Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2001
Keith Cook

Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by Keith Cook » Tue Aug 14, 2001 10:11 am

While visiting my auto upholsterer to have a patch attached on the rather
tatty top of my newly acquired MX5 I was surprised to be told that the
condition of the top was probably caused by the use of silicone in a
well-known grooming product. Apparently the silicone migrates through the
vinyl and causing hardening and subsequent cracking and general deteriation of
the backing where all the strength is. In my ignorance I would probably used
this product on any new top and thus repeated the problem. Soapy water is the
answer I was told. I pass this on as a warning to any other proud and
ignorant new owners who might be tempted as I would be.
R.K. Cook (Keith)
64 03 217 6341


Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by Graeme_Head/AMPNZ » Tue Aug 14, 2001 10:39 am

I've used both the soapy water and the "well known grooming product" - will
usually wash top with autowash and then apply the other product when the
top is dry. My problem is that my pussycat uses the top as a sort of a bed
in the garage and the result being muddy footprints on my top whenever its
been raining. Soap & water cant seem to remove some of these marks
completely, unless I scrub at the top, which I'm loathe to do. That is
where the "grooming product" comes in - it gives the top a "new" look and
hides any marks. If this "grooming product" actually harms the top and
causes the material to break down, can anyone suggest an alternative
product or solution, other than shooting my cat???


Louisa Currie

Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by Louisa Currie » Tue Aug 14, 2001 10:55 am

Umm ... why is there a reluctance to tell us which "grooming product" it is.
I would like to know so I don't use it.


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Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by zorruno » Tue Aug 14, 2001 11:22 am

Keith, I assume you're talking about "ARMORALL"? ;) It's OK - it is a free
discussion list... I don't use it, but I do use the plain silicone sprays
sometimes. Are you saying that silicone is not good for it at all - or just
this product? What other similar (possibly non-silicone based) products are


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Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by redwon » Tue Aug 14, 2001 11:46 am

Shoot the cat.



Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by rossandmeg » Tue Aug 14, 2001 1:54 pm

I agree...Shoot the cat


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Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by zorruno » Tue Aug 14, 2001 2:08 pm

what about putting something over the top when the car is in the garage?
Sort of like a ... top, top. or better still, leave the top down when in
the garage, as your cat will be more comfortable sleeping on the seat. ;)

Sorry, I cannot advocate shooting cats. Injections are far less painful and
cause less mess.


Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by Graeme_Head/AMPNZ » Tue Aug 14, 2001 2:33 pm

Wot a buncha cat lovers...

Seriously though, if Armourall leads to long term damage, what other
products do people use / recommend??? Are most of them just as bad?? Do we
use the Armourall and not worry??... Soap it 'n see??... Black boot
polish??... Is it that big a deal??...


"zorruno" <> on 14/08/2001 02:08:08 PM

Please respond to MX5List<>

Sent by:

To: "MX5List" <>
Subject: Re: Silicone and Vinyl Tops

what about putting something over the top when the car is in the garage?
Sort of like a ... top, top. or better still, leave the top down when in
the garage, as your cat will be more comfortable sleeping on the seat. ;)

Sorry, I cannot advocate shooting cats. Injections are far less painful and
cause less mess.

Susan Dye

Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by Susan Dye » Tue Aug 14, 2001 3:20 pm

hmm - other suggestions that come to mind - cut the cats legs off? find
some cat shoes? get a brown soft top?
No seriously - I have exactly the same problem.. two very doted-on cats,
lots of lovely Avondale clay and one continuously 'footprinted' black soft
top. (which gets lots of funny looks - considering my number plate reads
I have found the only thing that works is to use black shoe polish (a messy
job - but the prints do disappear)... and I have now starting putting a
blanket over the top of the car at night.

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Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by peter » Tue Aug 14, 2001 4:15 pm

If you silicone your bonnet cats slide off when they try to jump up - very funny to watch.

The roof lining will degrade no matter what roof protectant you use, if you drive everywhere with the top down and no
"boot protector", due to UV rays. It also doesn't like being opened after a heavy frost...



Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by carl.halvorsen » Tue Aug 14, 2001 4:21 pm

Go to your local pet / garden shop and buy a can of dog and cat
repellant.This stuff not only keeps the animals off your top but also gives
the top a nice sheen and being biodegradable it does not harm the vinyl.



Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by STANLEY, Murray » Tue Aug 14, 2001 5:10 pm

I seem to recollect reading about this issue few years ago in one of the
Miata Mags. The article advised against using full strength Armourall but
instead recommended mixing it 50:50 with water.


SG & NA Fisk

Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by SG & NA Fisk » Tue Aug 14, 2001 7:08 pm

Hey Guy & Girls
my Mx had a rather faded top - purchased March - I used the kids liquid
nugget bottle ((Kiwi Instant Nugget) and it still looks dark & great.

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Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by my2cta » Tue Aug 14, 2001 8:37 pm

On Tuesday, August 14, 2001 2:34 PM, Graeme_Head/
[SMTP:Graeme_Head/] wrote:
Wot a buncha cat lovers...

Seriously though, if Armourall leads to long term damage, what other
products do people use / recommend??? Are most of them just as bad?? Do we
use the Armourall and not worry??... Soap it 'n see??... Black boot
polish??... Is it that big a deal??...

I've got a Millennium Edition and the top ain't black but is a light
tan/beige colour. On the one occasion I left the top up the cat's
footprints were obviously the same colour as the top and I couldn't see
them. However, I always get to see them on the paintwork! Can't say I'd
want to use black boot polish on my top...

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Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by redwon » Wed Aug 15, 2001 12:56 pm

I checked out the last night and there was a discussion on the
problem of
cats on MX5 roofs.Seems to be a world wide problem.A couple of suggestions
where interesting.
One has already been mentioned ie cat repellent.The other one was to put
strips of duck tape
sticky side up on the roof.It seems cats don't like sticky things on their
paws.If nothing
else it has got to look funny to see a cat do a swan dive off the roof of an
MX5 wrapped in
duck tape. MEOWWW!!



Silicone and Vinyl Tops

Post by Blts » Fri Aug 17, 2001 7:02 pm

I agree with howard about the mess you get when shooting cats; however a
single bullet is cheaper than an injection from a vet...

Seriously though - I have been using the "grooming product" for over two years
and there is absolutly nothing wrong with the vinyl roof (the bl...y zip is a
different matter).



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