What are my rights

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What are my rights

Post by chris » Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:17 am

Hey guys

I have some questions regarding the NZ Police.

Now, chances are this could stir some people up.

In the past month I have been pulled over 15+ times. Not one single ticket has been issued.

What the hell are my rights? This is a waste of my time, it's damn near harassment.

I'm fine with being pulled over occasionally, that's sweet. But 15 times in one month? Come on.

"random license checks"
"random car checks"
"random breathe tests" that then turn into a fucking search of my car.

Can someone please enlighten me? Not giving me a very good opinion on the local tax collectors.

Sorry, I mean police.
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Re: What are my rights

Post by zorruno » Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:53 am

chris wrote: In the past month I have been pulled over 15+ times. Not one single ticket has been issued.

What the hell are my rights? This is a waste of my time, it's damn near harassment.

I'm fine with being pulled over occasionally, that's sweet. But 15 times in one month? Come on.
If you have evidence (dates, times and possibly the QID of each officer - assuming it is a different one each time) to state that it is indeed this many (once every 2 days??), you could write to police complaints authority... but I doubt it would do anything useful. They can't exactly put out an all points bulletin to say 'don't stop this guy"...

chris wrote: that then turn into a fucking search of my car
You mean an actual search in car and boot? or just a peek inside as you have the roof off? That's not a search. You can say no thanks to a search, but they could obtain a warrant if they really wanted. Ask them what they are looking for, they are allowed to search under a few circumstances.

best reference at CAB site: http://www.cab.org.nz/vat/gl/roi/Pages/ ... nts.aspx#2

I'd just chalk it up to a life experience, be glad of no ticket (if... for example you were doing 55 in a 50 zone...) and move on.

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Post by chris » Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:01 pm

Sorry - by search of the car I mean a full check of tire tread, cert plate, safety equipment etc.

I have been thinking the same about just taking it on the chin.

Yeah a few times I have been stopped three times in one day.

I have come across a few decent cops, also a few asshole ones.

I do feel rather guttered that there is nothing I can do about it. But I suppose it is what it is. My car is all legit, so it's just making sure I plan 15 minutes extra on any trips! :)
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Post by MrGrey » Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:01 pm

I always carry a note book and note the time/date/location and get the policemans badge number and make notes of the exact details of what is checked and what happens.

if they wish to search your car I always clearly state "no I do not give you permission to search my vehicle" when they invariably ask why, I say "I don't have to give a reason, I just don't give permission for you to search my vehicle"

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Post by Angreal » Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:36 pm

MrGrey wrote:I always carry a note book and note the time/date/location and get the policemans badge number and make notes of the exact details of what is checked and what happens.

if they wish to search your car I always clearly state "no I do not give you permission to search my vehicle" when they invariably ask why, I say "I don't have to give a reason, I just don't give permission for you to search my vehicle"
Hmm so I would give you permission to search the car but because it's my right to not give permission, I chose not to give it because I can? Heh

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Post by MrGrey » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:30 pm

yep, it means they would have to have probable cause which is fine for them if they find something but can be a nightmare for them if they don't and someone knows their rights.

I will however be friendly and nice initially unless the cop starts being a dick.
to save myself a lot of typing, here is a reply I put on the MCM forums a while ago.

here's how I deal with things.
- don't drive drunk, high or on medication
- don't carry illegal drugs or weapons
- make sure all your mods are legal and safe
- be polite and friendly to the officers (if you are a dick, they will be dicks)

I will happily give my name, address and occupation and take a breathalyser test other than that I refuse. Some cops are complete knobheads and are on a power trip so if an officer starts giving you grief after he has breathalysed you and checked your rego I have my phone ready and ask him to call his partner over so both of the officers are present. I then say this:

"Officer, I have complied with your requests but I feel that this is becoming a fishing exercise and so am now recording the proceedings. please be aware that this is being uploaded to cloud storage so confiscating the phone is pointless. my name is #### ##### and the time and date is #### ####. for the record could you both please give me your rank and badge number for the record and we can continue this is a civil manner"

at this point I will point my camera towards their faces.

clearly state "I do NOT give you permission to search my vehicle, am I under arrest?"

at this point they will get very defensive and potentially aggressive but politely explain that you have had some bad experiences in the past and that this simply covers everyone. Never be cocky, remain calm and polite and between the two of them they will realize that you are not an easy catch and will usually let you go on your way. The reason you want both cops there is because one will usually have the common sense to calm the other down when he gets pissed off that you are (in his mind) not respectin' his authorata'

Most importantly, remain calm, friendly and polite. Also remember that suspicion is subjective and all the officer has to say at a later date is "I thought he was on drugs, I could smell it on his breath"
Most cops are decent men who are just tired of dealing with rude scumbags and until you show otherwise, their initial thought is that you are just a knobhead street racer (and the way some of us behave, this is a fair assessment) also understand that they are just trying to do their job.

know your rights, stand up for your rights but try not to be too much of a dick about it and you will be fine.

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Post by Brainflex » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:33 pm

Be aware that attitude is the quickest way to get a coppers interest going. I ain't saying be a brown nose but don't be an arsehole either. Obviously something is attracting their attention, any idea what that is?

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Post by MrGrey » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:43 pm

maybe take off speed from lights? not necc. loss of traction, but a quick takeoff or loud revving could be drawing their attention?

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Post by siren676 » Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:47 pm

:lol: have you seen chris's mx5 lately
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Post by Skilfil » Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:19 pm

siren676 wrote::lol: have you seen chris's mx5 lately
Shouldn't be reason to pull him over, I've been driving to work and back for the past 2 weeks (I work in auckland city) with white Advans on the rear, and my volks on the front.

The car looks like a drift/skidder but I haven't been pulled over or looked at once. No idea why Chris is getting pulled over so much.

Chris, maybe ask them? Sometimes you can be flagged for street racing or something which may be tripping something in the system so they're checking you out when they see you.

No *555 calls on you lately either?

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Post by NicF » Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:52 am

I used to know a detective inspector very well and asked his advice after an interaction with a couple of Ds who were on a drug case. They were pretty enthusiastic and it ended up with a damaged car and a roughed up mate. It was all a case of mistaken identity but escalated pretty quickly, largely because of my friends attitude.

Anyway, we asked this DI if anything could be done and he said we could go to the complaints authority BUT our cars would be unofficially blacklisted. He said that cars on this unofficial blacklist are pulled over 'randomly' or just followed whenever they're spotted and the cops have a few minutes. He also said that once you're on the list, you can't get off it. That institution has a long memory.
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Post by Mr. Shine » Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:25 am

MrGrey wrote:to save myself a lot of typing, here is a reply I put on the MCM forums a while ago.
I've really got to say I don't think this is the best way of going about things, as you're just going to wind them up and drag things out, especially if the car is legit as it is and they've nothing to get you on.

End of the day if you're driving as blatant a car as Chris' then you're calling attention to yourself in the first place. Modified cars attract attention because they're more likely to be illegally so.

Bit ironic that 'TROLOL' complains about being pulled over when it's occasionally lowered to the point of attempting to "lay frame", and is white with bright orange wheels :P

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Post by chris » Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:26 am

Yeah I have always shown the utmost respect to officers. Minus one occasion,

No *555 calls that I have been made aware of. I do believe it is because of the car. Modified, stands out like a sore thumb!
Monday I was pulled over, cop asked me if I know why so I said "Yeah, tax collecting no doubt. Modified car, better tax it right? However, I was doing 98-100 kph, and you failed to spot the van infront of me sitting on bump stops"

After making that comment he let me go.

Like I said, normally I am very respectful, however 3rd time in 3 days.. I was just fucked off to be frank.

Might start wearing fake titties.
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Post by Snapfrozen » Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:31 pm

I drove my race car without livery on the road daily for 6-12 months and was only pulled over a few times. I fail to understand how this is happening without ANY cause from you

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Post by chris » Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:36 pm

Throwing accusations.


I can honestly say, I have not been reported for anything, and dude, if i was doing something wrong I would have a ticket would I not?
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Post by Angreal » Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:04 pm

Clearly you aren't taking their hints when they undo their fly...? :roll: Or you are :lol:

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Post by Simonmx5 » Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:42 pm

For the last 6 years I have owned a slightly dodgy looking boyracer type car that has a few uncertified mods. Most of the time I drove it normally, some of the time I drove it like a fucking idiot. I barely ever got pulled over or hassled by the cops, the few times I did was when I was doing something stupid (ie getting the back out at intersections) and all I ever got was a bit of a telling off and I was on my way...I have no idea how that car never got impounded, it boggles my mind.

Maybe it all just depends on who you get and what mood they're in?

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Post by warrior » Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:33 pm

I had a rx3 coupe for 10 years, never got pulled over once. I have two mx5,s now, again never been pulled over once.

I am a lot older than you chris and my cars are in good condition (not saying yours is not as I have not seen it)

I am guessing it is just bad luck and a young guy in a modified car.

You are easy meat for the police.

But if you have no problems with your car then just take it on the chin and move on.

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Post by sprsta » Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:58 pm

wash your car Chris. it'll make it look less dodgy

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Post by SLYDIT » Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:02 pm

i drive SLYDIT around looking like shit with peeling clearcoat and mismatched hard top and of course the numberplate....havent been pulled over for randoms at all.

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Post by sprsta » Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:07 pm

for those who dont know what we are talking about, here is the car he is getting pulled over in

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Post by TehAshleigh » Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:31 pm

Lol. This thread deserves a round of applause.

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Post by SLYDIT » Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:37 pm

maybe change your plate to "COP B8" ?

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Post by GRUVBB » Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:52 pm

SLYDIT wrote:maybe change your plate to "COP B8" ?
That plate is already in use. Ive seen it around a few times.

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Post by Mr. Shine » Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:25 am

Unfortunately PIGB8 is also taken.

I mean, it sounds like it couldn't hurt the frequency with which he gets pulled over.

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