Hawkes Bay Contact

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2000

Hawkes Bay Contact

Post by STANLEY, Murray » Mon Aug 14, 2000 9:32 am

I have a friend in Napier who is planning on buying his daughter an
MX5 (I will now have to ensure my own daughters don't get to hear about this
indulgent father) and he has asked me for advice. I told him that there is
a chapter of the MX5 Club in the Hawkes Bay and perhaps he should contact
someone there for advice on local cars that may be for sale. However when
looking at the club site this morning I cannot find the details of the
contact person for the Hawkes Bay group, although I see that they did have
an event yesterday - hope it went well. Can anyone give me details for the
Hawkes Bay contact person?

Murray Stanley

p.s. Thanks Trevor for the red touch-up paint. It arrived on
Saturday morning and my car looks a lot less spotty now!

MX5 Club E-administrator

Hawkes Bay Contact

Post by MX5 Club E-administrator » Mon Aug 14, 2000 10:06 am


Richard Barnes is the contact.
I should have something on the web site for local contacts shortly.



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