Email Receipt notification explaination (was Re: Intro &

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
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Email Receipt notification explaination (was Re: Intro &

Post by zorruno » Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:20 pm

on 5/11/2004 3:49 p.m. wrote:
Yep, guilty!

I have no idea why my mail program does this occaisionally - I've
certainly not generated it myself.

All I can say is that our technology environment here is "interesting"
and being part of a large organisation a lot of the "customisation"
available with most mail programmes is removed, so no "fiddling" can occur.

Sorry folks.

Graeme, your mail program sent a receipt acknowledgement (and so did
Duncan @repco ) because Adrian's email had a
"Disposition-Notification-To:" header (i.e. in plain english, Adrian's
email asked for a notification that the email had been received by
everyone on the list)

Firstly people should please try to set their email to NOT ask for a
return receipt (confirmation that the email has been received, and/or
opened). There should be a setting for that in your email program.

Secondly, if possible you should set your email program to NOT send
receipt replies if asked for one. Most programs are set by default to
ASK you if you want to reply with a receipt but and if set to
AUTOMATICALLY answer a receipt, will be intelligent enough to send it to
the submitter (e.g. Adrian). Unfortunately, some email programs* think
that they are more intelligent than us mere humans and know better so
send the reply to the list.

*Note that Graeme and Duncan both use Lotus notes, Adrian I guess uses
Outlook/MS Exchange...


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Email Receipt notification explaination (was Re: Intro &

Post by Euen » Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:22 pm

With Outlook, if you normally request a receipt, before clicking Send,
select File, Properties and uncheck the Read Receipt Requested box.

TG Sports, classic roadster - modern technology. NA1800, 99 head, 11:1 +2mm Wiseco pistons, Link LEM, Alloy f/wheel, JR headers.


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