Yellow is the new red (was Re: mx5 snobs) ... funny how thin

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
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Yellow is the new red (was Re: mx5 snobs) ... funny how thin

Post by poison » Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:32 pm

I agree that yellow is now a cool car colour , but it's funny how such things
can come in and out of fashion. Everyone used to hate yellow, a case in point
being years ago when the MR2 first came out. I knew a girl who was a designer
for Toyota and they had some brand new MR2's in yellow that they just couldn't
sell. So she ended up buying one really cheap on a super staff deal. Yet if
you made a yellow one now it would be cool and sell first.

But all is not well today, and the sad thing for some delusional souls is,
that although green may have been cool in the UK way back in the 50's, good
taste has prevailed and it never has been cool since and is unlikely to ever
be so again... see proof God does exist.

:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

Graeme H

Yellow is the new red (was Re: mx5 snobs) ... funny how thin

Post by Graeme H » Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:40 pm

What is it with you and green cars? Did ya get frightened by the green hornet as a kid ? :0)
Mine's green, and is very lovely (I think so, anyway).

Graeme H



Yellow is the new red (was Re: mx5 snobs) ... funny how thin

Post by Geoff » Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:36 am

Greetings from the UK...similar threads are raging over here waving ,or,
not, colour of the car, Mk1 versus Mk2 etc.etc...Being a Mk 1
Mariner Blue Roadster owner,I try not to get involved over colour Mk's best we all know that...Mk1 V Mk2 they're all
Mazda MX'5 aren't they...oh and the debate over the relative
merits of rear windows is quite hot too...Congrats on a very good club
website...I frequently refer people to your excellent articles about fuse
positions, side light mods etc...keep up the good work and the wave


Web site
1990 Mariner Blue.

Eastern Region AC

A convertible has a top that can be lowered in good weather;
a roadster has a top that can be raised in bad weather.'
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Yellow is the new red (was Re: mx5 snobs) ... funny how thin

Post by Grant » Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:12 am

At least that means I was cool (even though I didn't realise it) back in
1974 when I had a yellow Jensen-Healey. My MX5 is green and I am very happy
with that, even if some uninformed poor souls don't think it's cool. I
couldn't care less! Yellow has to be the most visible colour on the raod as
As for waving, perhaps we're much friendlier here in the sunny south. I
always wave to any convertable and it's rare to not get a wave in return.
Even those poor drivers of MGF's usually return the wave. Funny how most MGF
owners always have their rooves up. I suspect they are the real
'hairdresser's' cars. Why else would the roof always be up if not to protect
the hairdo?
The other major reason for the returned wave here in the south is obvious.
It's the weather. Good sunny weather means friendly happy people! All year

Grant in sunny (of course) Blenheim.
Red 2006 NC Tiptronic

Simon Lord
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Yellow is the new red (was Re: mx5 snobs) ... funny how thin

Post by Simon Lord » Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:19 am

I believe MGF drivers keep the roof up because once they're found a setting
that minimises the leaks they are afraid to take it down again.

Before I bought my MX5, I did actually look at the MGF and even talked to an
MG mechanic. His advice? "Unless you can afford a new one, don't bother!"

In a recent 1600km trip following the Targa around for a bit, I would say
66% of MX5 drivers returned a wave or a flash but I always initiated it. My
co-driver kept forgetting, but then he's out of practice.

Sparkling metallic green MX5 glinting beautifully in the sunlight
97 SR Ltd (sparkle green)


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