Flash cash

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
John Forsyth

Flash cash

Post by John Forsyth » Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:32 pm

Wheels, January 2004, pages 30/31

"... speed cameras in Australia and the UK contribute substantially to
government revenue, but have done almost nothing to save lives..."
"... speed cameras are catching those people who are the safest on the road,
and the most dangerous drivers are not being caught..."

Full report www.cis.org.au/policy/spr03/polspr03-1.pdf

Have we heard yet the indignant denials from the LTSA or Paul Swain?

john forsyth BCG191

Lou Girardin

Flash cash

Post by Lou Girardin » Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:14 am

It's the same message that we've heard from independant reports from the UK,
in fact anyone without a vested interest in the speeding scam sings the same
Remember it at election time!

Bill Rehm

Flash cash

Post by Bill Rehm » Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:44 am

This reinforces what I suggested last week --that rather than use this
list to simply vent, maybe the list/club can become a political force
for change and support initiatives that could contribute towards change

Simon Lord
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Flash cash

Post by Simon Lord » Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:14 am

Fascinating report, John - thanks for drawing it to our attention. One of
the sources mentioned in it http://www.safespeed.org.uk is also worth a

Lou, can you suggest which political party, at election time, is going to
promise to drop such an attractive source of revenue?

97 SR Ltd (sparkle green)
Email: simon@franchise.co.nz

Eric West

Flash cash

Post by Eric West » Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:21 am

I'm with you Bill,

While, for a number of domestic reasons, I have yet to enjoy the social side of the club, I would be disappointed if a "social" club was all we are.

Any club with the numbers, demographic and geographical spread of our organisation has some small amount of clout as a lobbying body. In concert with other, similar, groups, such as other sports car clubs or vehicle specific owners clubs, we have considerable clout. Let's face it, there are very few New Zealanders of voting age who do not drive.

We are also a widespread customer base for people who make it irresistible for us to do business with them.

The question is, "How do we make it happen?" When, for instance, as a club, do we get together in a forum which can start the club moving in this direction, if the members agree that this is the direction in which we wish the Club to move?

What do the rest of you think?


Lou Girardin

Flash cash

Post by Lou Girardin » Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:53 pm

All you have to do as individuals, is to write to the papers and MP's and
express your displeasure. When enough people do it, the Pollies panic. Hence
the backdown on Pauls Swain's 'road safety' measures before Xmas.


Flash cash

Post by Biff » Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:59 pm

I'm all for it, its long overdue for us to get our heads out of the sand and
make a stand on something.
The government slid the "lets all pay for Aucklands roads" past us by
extendinf the date, watch, the due date will arrive and up goes the price of
gass and we all shrug, go "bloody government" and that will be it.
Just on that note, did you know that out of $50.00 worth of gass, something
like $27.00 is tax, and after the government gives ACC and everyone else
their share they still pocket $12.00?

The speed camera legislation is nuts, the vehicle noise level legisslation
is also nutz, so where would you like to start?
Why dont we all meet in Wellington and all drive our MX5's up parliment
steps, it worked for the farmers and the fart tax :)

My 2cents woth,


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