
Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003
Kjellberg, Adrian


Post by Kjellberg, Adrian » Wed Oct 01, 2003 2:01 pm

Will cars made with cats have to put them back ?

Government decides on emission tests for warrants


Cars will have to pass emission tests to get warrants of fitness from 2006,
the Government announced today.

Associate Transport Minister Judith Tizard said with the support of the
Greens new transport rules will bring in exhaust testing as part of car

Pre-used imported vehicles will also have to pass emissions standards as
part of pre-registration tests.

Ms Tizard said the details on what standards would be applied had yet to be

"We have been encouraged by the feedback from those consulted in policy
preparation to date and moving forward we will be listening to local
authorities, political partners and others who are concerned about
improving local air quality," Ms Tizard said.

Since the idea of emissions tests was first floated some have complained
that cars already purchased in good faith would be written off the road.

Garage owners have also warned that the cost of getting a warrant of
fitness will have to rise so they could buy emission testing equipment.

Ms Tizard said the Government was committed to tackling air pollution as it
caused serious health problems and damaged the environment.

A report last year estimated that 400 people each year died prematurely due
to vehicle emissions, Ms Tizard said.

The new tests for warrants of fitness and certificates of fitness for
vehicles would come into force in mid to late 2006.

"It is vital that all vehicle owners and operators take responsibility to
fix and regularly tune their vehicles and that they have the necessary
information to do so. The benefits of regular maintenance include savings
in the long term on fuel and maintenance costs and knowing that they and
their neighbours will breather easier," Ms Tizard said.

The new testing regime would add to previous decisions to change fuel
standards and ensuring cars brought into New Zealand from 2004 are built to
an emission standard.

Government agencies were looking at seeing they purchased their vehicle
fleets with a preference for low emission engines "where this is reasonably
practical and within operational requirements," Ms Tizard said.

She hoped private sector fleet operators would follow the Government's


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Post by Mathew » Wed Oct 01, 2003 2:39 pm

I believe it will be aimed at new vehicles or newly imported vehicles, so If you brought a 2006 mx5 you wouldn't be able to remove its cat converter or do anything else to make it environmentally unfriendly.


Ian Chapman


Post by Ian Chapman » Wed Oct 01, 2003 2:56 pm

I have heard that most cats get clogged up after about 5 years of use
and therefore don't filter anymore emissions anyway. So you are
probably better with it removed - ie not driving around with a container
full of 'emission clogged' asbestos under your bum! Can anyone confirm
if this is correct?


lou Girardin


Post by lou Girardin » Wed Oct 01, 2003 4:00 pm

It depends on how strict the test will be. I suspect that a well tuned car
without a cat will pass.
I also recall hearing that cats must legally have a 10 year life in the
If you've run leaded fuel at all, it'll be dead.


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