Just passing this one on

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2005
See my 5 and raise you.
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Just passing this one on

Post by redwon » Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:10 pm

It has been calculated that if everyone in New Zealand did not purchase a
drop of petrol for one day at all the same time the oil companies could
possibly choke on their stockpiles.

At the same time it would hit the entire industry with a net loss at the
current prices of $1.50 per litre (30 litres for a full tank) $45.00 x a
conservative estimate of 2,000,000 vehicles in NZ that would equate to $90
million dollar loss (one day) to the oil companies and hit their profit

Therefore September 5th has been informally declared "Stick it up their bum

Motorists of New Zealand should not buy a single drop for that day!

The only way this can be done if your forward this e-mail to as many people
as you can to get the word out.

Waiting on this Government to step in and control prices is not going to
happen and there is an Election coming so why not throw them into a panic.


Remember one thing about raising gas prices:

* Airlines are forced to raise their prices
* Trucking companies forced to raise their prices
* These prices affect the cost of shipping
* Flow on effect that your GROCERY BILL goes up
* Flow on effect on clothing, building, medical supplies!
* It effects all of us in every area while companies can write off
these expenses, consumers cannot.
Who pays in the end?

WE DO - The consumer!

We can make a difference if they don't get the message after one day we will
do it again and again.

Enough of these ridiculous excuses that the oil companies use to justify
their increases everything from President Bush missing a golf stroke on the
9th hole to Aunt Fanny's artificial leg falling off.

If you are sick of this manipulation vote with your car and do not buy a
drop. Spread the word and mark the date on your calendars.


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Keith Cook

Just passing this one on

Post by Keith Cook » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:01 pm

Yep. That 'll work so long as you don't use your car for a day as
well. OK for me. Everything is in bicycle range her in Inverkelly.

230 Crawford Street

Waverley Computing. <waverley@thecooks.net.nz>

Ph. (03) 217 6341

Steve Easdon wrote:


I count 5-s in my sleep
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Just passing this one on

Post by Ian » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:37 pm

MessageNot sure the logic of this argument would stand too much scruitiny!!!
93 1.8,intake/ex mods,Megasqirt PNP,torsen ,konis,GC coilovers,Nitto-01,cage,sparco seat,Schroth harness.

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Just passing this one on

Post by EricW » Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:08 am

MessageLogically, the only losses that petrol companies would make from this
would be their operating costs for the day, and not even that, as they would
not have to pay for the power to use their pumps.

It would only work if we did not use our cars for a day, otherwise they will
get it back, with increased profits, the next day, when we are forced to fill
up to cover the mileage we have done on the day we didn't buy petrol. (They
would be quick to send staff home when they realised what was happening, and
would only have much the same operating costs as usual on the following,
busier day).

Then of course, they would also increase prices again to cover their losses.

Seems a bit pointless to me


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Just passing this one on

Post by johnw11 » Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:44 pm

MessageMuch as we may wish this.

1) Would 2 million vehicles really all fill up in one day?
2) If 2 million vehicles did fill up this would exceed the refining capacity
of NZ. (2 million vehicles is 60m litres in this story). NZ refinery processes
approx 105000 barrels of oil per day which refines into approx 6,700,000
litres of petrol a day.
3) Out of $1.50 how much gos to the tax man. 50% approx.
4) How much goes in real cost, e.g. petrol station, delivery, refining costs.
5) We can then argue about how much of the real price of oil is reflected in
the total cost.

So if we follow the original email then it looks like at most 223,000 vehicles
would fill up (any way who puts only 30 litres in their tank??) and cause a
total loss of income of approx $10 million and the profit on that will quite

If we did all avoid filling up for one day, then the next day when more people
need fuel the price will probably go up as the market determines it can charge
a higher price for something in short supply.

I would say the only person that will lose out will be the petrol station
franchise owner who will still have all their overheads and no cash flow. The
oil company and government will survive 1 days loss of cash flow.

Maybe we need to remember that petrol is less than it was 30 years ago during
the 70s oil crisis. Just we got used to cheap oil over the last decade.



White 94 NA 1800cc

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Just passing this one on

Post by Grant » Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:42 pm

Quite right, John.
It makes about as much sense to me as it does to make a special trip to buy
a tankful of petrol before the price goes up by 3 cents a litre. You put in
30 litres and save $0.90. But you just used a litre of petrol at least to
get there! Cost $1.45 to save 90c if you are lucky, not allowing for the
rest of the running costs involved.
A number of people interviewed on the radio yesterday (and on TV news)
rushed out yesterday to fill up so they didn't have to today! It's sad how
many stupid people there are out there (and they have the right to vote in
under two weeks time!).

Grant who hasn't filled his MX5 for more than a month 'cause it still won't
go : (
Red 2006 NC Tiptronic

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Just passing this one on

Post by poison » Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:29 pm

MessageYup the more you read it the worse it gets, and even it the maths and
assumptions were remotely correct, everyone will still use gas and just fill
up another day.

So if you are one of those people who did believe this and all those other
emails, wow you are smart, so quickly send me $100 in the next 12 hrs and then
get all your friends to do the same. This will bring you good luck and a new
MX5, if you don't send this money your toes will fall off and you will end up
owning a BRG 4WD (probably with Pejero on the back, with its original Spanish
meaning... :-)

Don't forget to send the $100, God loves you!

"Always happy to spread happiness and accept a buck from the stupid"
:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

I count 5-s in my sleep
I count 5-s in my sleep
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Location: Arrowtown

Just passing this one on

Post by Ian » Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:08 pm

MessageWhy did I couch my caution so delicately???
93 1.8,intake/ex mods,Megasqirt PNP,torsen ,konis,GC coilovers,Nitto-01,cage,sparco seat,Schroth harness.

Darryl Curran

Just passing this one on

Post by Darryl Curran » Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:09 pm

Messagethere are some very stupid people out there.
The only way any of this would work is to avoid one particular petrol supplier
(dont buy engine oils or anything) for a week, but that would be hard to
achieve on a level to do any harm to the big companies.
Darryl Curran
CBR Motorsport
Bitch'n Performance
Morrinsville 2251
New Zealand
07 889 1613
021 250 5083

Michael & Kate Cooper

Just passing this one on

Post by Michael & Kate Cooper » Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:10 pm

MessageIf we saved petrol it may lead to a price decrease...

Whilst we're trying to save petrol, I vote that the PM's motorcades drop to
just one car ... and that it be a Toyota Prius (or some other economical
shopping basket) ... and that it drive conservatively at 80km/hr max - since
that saves petrol ... and while we're at it, why don't they convert all the
government cars ... including the police! All those Holden V6's can't do much
for the country's general fuel consumption.

Just my 2c


Michael & Kate Cooper

Just passing this one on

Post by Michael & Kate Cooper » Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:11 pm

MessageIf we saved petrol it may lead to a price decrease...

Whilst we're trying to save petrol, I vote that the PM's motorcades drop to
just one car ... and that it be a Toyota Prius (or some other economical
shopping basket - or even MX5's would be better!) ... and that it drive
conservatively at 80km/hr max - since that saves petrol ... and while we're at
it, why don't they convert all the government cars ... including the police!
All those Holden V6's can't do much for the country's general fuel

Just my 2c


Michael & Kate Cooper

Just passing this one on

Post by Michael & Kate Cooper » Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:25 pm

MessageWhoops, sorry - don't know how that ended up through twice - I only
sent it once.


Mike Jolley

Just passing this one on

Post by Mike Jolley » Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:54 pm

MessageWhy not a priministral mx5??hope the air nz pilot doesnt drive one


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