Forgive me ...

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2005
Ian Beardslee

Forgive me ...

Post by Ian Beardslee » Thu Jan 13, 2005 9:07 pm

... for I have sinned ... I've been pretty much a hardtopper since I
got my 1991 BRG late last year :-(

The main reason for this has been the security of the hardtop parked in
town while I am at work.

But as I was driving over the hill (Masterton to Wellington) last night it
was such a beautiful night, I wish I'd taken the hardtop off. Of course
it had nothing to do with the 3 other MX5s I saw cruising along without

So this is directed to those dedicated topdowners/softtoppers ...

How often do people's soft-tops get vandalised/slashed/knifed etc? Is it
a real problem? Or no more than people keying cars?

How do insurance companies react to the damaged tops? What about repeated
cases of vandalism? Specifically thinking about AA Insurance here.

Does anyone haev any experience with problems parking at the Stadium, or
the Clifton Terrace carparks? What about in the city centre on
Friday/Saturday nights - any safe places to park - any bad places.

Many thanks for you thoughts,


Tentative sideways sliding....
Tentative sideways sliding....
Posts: 48
Joined: Sat May 20, 2006 12:31 am
Location: Wellington

Forgive me ...

Post by johnw11 » Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:33 pm


I park my car regularly in Wellington city centre overnight.

1) The car park above new world on Willis St. This car park is locked at 7pm
so it not a really helpful example.
2) If is often parked on CBD streets in the evening to say 1-2am. I take the
same precations as all cars I drive and park in well lit areas, not back

After 8 months, no problems. During the day time no problems either,
especially when I re read your email and see it is talking about parking in
the day. So if OK is at night then day should be the same.



White 94 NA 1800cc


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