MX5List - Impending change to closed list format

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
MX5 Club E-Administrator

MX5List - Impending change to closed list format

Post by MX5 Club E-Administrator » Sat Mar 20, 2004 10:06 pm

Hi all

As there have been more and more spam and rubbish emails get through my list
filters, & at the request of others, I think it is now time I made this list a
closed list. It has been going for some time as an open list (since 1999) and
has done pretty well so far.


What is a closed list?
This is a list that only allows people who are 'subscribed' to post emails.
At present anyone may post whether subscribed or not.

What does that mean for me?
Well possibly nothing - if you have only one email account & one email
address. What it does mean, is that you MUST post questions to the list with
the exact email address that you are subscribed under. If you subscribed as
johnsmith@domain.dom but you also use js@domain.dom , you will only be able to
post from the former address. Most mail programs allow you to send email from
multiple addresses (identities).

What happens if I submit from an address not subscribed?
The email will go in my approval queue. Generally, I'll just delete it
without letting you know and it won't appear on the list. If I have time, I
might remind you to repost it from your list address.

How do I check if I'm subbed, or how do I sub my correct address?
Go here put your address in
the box & click submit. If you try and subscribe and are already subscribed,
it will tell you. You can sub or unsub an address at any time. Follow this
if you get stuck, it is still not 100% intuitive: ... bscribing/

Will this stop spam & unwanted rubbish on the list?
Unlikely, but it will help a lot. Please don't complain if you get spam from
the list - we try to get rid of it as much as we can. Please also don't reply
to spam on the list. People who have their own spam filters won't see the
spam, but the will see a reply made by you. I also try and remove spam from
the archives occasionally when I have time.

When will this change happen?
When I can... and probably soon. I'm giving people a few days to make sure
they are subscribed correctly. So if you find that you are unable to send
email to the list, that will be why. I will update documents on the website
to let people know in the future but there won't be any other announcement
regarding this.

Is there a way I can subscribe and post but not receive all the list emails?
Not at present. Maybe in the future.

I don't like to use my normal email address on the list.
If you are an MX5 Club of NZ Member, why not just ask me for a
address (Send me your name and MRN and what you'd like before the @). All
members are entitled to one, and you can use it to post questions to the list.
I'll automatically forward all emails received at this address to your normal
email address.

My emails are taking a while to show up on the list.
As explained in the past, I have mail filters and these will still be in
existence. If you generally post OK, but one day post and it doesn't appear
for a while, it is generally because your email have been filtered and is
awaiting approval. Don't worry, it will appear eventually. There are many
reasons that your email may need approval.

Any questions about subscribing, or this change to a closed list, feel free to
ask me (off list please).


Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand inc


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