Upholstry cleaning

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
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Upholstry cleaning

Post by poison » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:18 pm

My 89's seats look dirty and kind of shiny from the years of wear. I had them
hot soap cleaned but no better at all. Has anyone had any success with a
cleaning method or valet service.

May I just add, Firestone tyres blow goats... Come-on really... please...you
know you were all thinking it... :-) ha ha ha

On a more serious note, traction is not just about going round corners fast,
it's about getting half way round a corner, finding a problem and being able
to steer round it, or stopping when your doing a perfectly safe 67km/hr and
that stupid cow jogging at Mission Bay (I think that's where the add was done)
runs across the road without looking...

Although should you decide to take up drift racing, Firestones would be
perfect, nice and hard, next to no traction so easy to slide, last a lifetime
and fairly cheap :-) ... Easy and cheap...hmmmm... something sounds
good about that... oops back to the cars :-)

:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:


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