Spooky headlights,was Re: Battery Problems

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
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Spooky headlights,was Re: Battery Problems

Post by SLYDIT » Wed Mar 31, 2004 4:14 pm

I noticed that my battery wasnt lasting very long
either and one day i found the problem.
The car is left outside during the day and when the
interior heats up it must soften something in the
headlight wand switch mechanism, and turn the
headlights "flash" function on.
MOst people wont notice this happening as the lids
dont open up when using the flash headlight bit. So if
this fault occured it would just light up your engine
bay,drain your battery, and you wouldnt see it. but as
i 've done the flash to pass mod and it was raising
the lids so i could see it happening!!
Im not sure how to fix this as yet and so have
resorted to leaving the wand in the high beam position
(pushed away from driver) when parked during the day


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