
Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
Bill Rehm


Post by Bill Rehm » Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:55 pm

Last Tuesday, while I was visiting friends on Shelly Beach Rd. (for you
non-JAFAs, anything but a ghetto area) someone decided to pour acid or
possibly brake fluid over my boot, top and hood buckling the paint like
cooked cheese and softening the top clear plastic/vinyl like Jell-O.

I now lose my 60% insurance discount because of this mental midget
whoever s/he was. I wish we had a govt that was less PC and more "broken
glass" oriented in their policing practices.

Simon Lord
See my 5 and raise you.
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Post by Simon Lord » Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:40 am

That's terrible, Bill - really sorry to hear it. I can understand your
distress - is a total re-spray on the cards? If so, at least you might have
the advantage of choosing a new colour.

Know what you mean about the pain of losing 60% bonus - it's pretty horrible
to lose such a large amount when something is not your fault. I once had two
cars vandalised side by side (in England under Margaret Thatcher) and that
really hurt!

Hope you manage to get it sorted out quickly.

97 SR Ltd (sparkle green)



Post by Keith » Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:35 am

I had a teacher friend who had her car treated with the "real stuff"
(Coke") with similar results. Seems a more likely and obtainable
substance. You have my sympathy and I can imagine your frustration. My
wife was a teacher and had our car done over with coin and knife in the
tyre many years ago. What are we raising and what generation went wrong?
The Dr. Spock one?

Bill Rehm


Post by Bill Rehm » Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:55 am

Thanks for those you expressed condolences. This isn't a political
forum, however the level of crime increase since I've been here over the
last 9 years is frightening!

We need more police whose focus is not on collecting revenue via speed
cameras, etc but who can focus on fighting crime by nipping it at the
bud. But that won't happen with this PC, bleeding hearts oriented
government we have at present.

When I moved 10 months ago the movers stole a $5,000 ring. Even knowing
the names and employer of the three potential culprits the police
were/are too busy dealing with more "serious crime" to take the time to
even speak to the three probable offenders.

Clean and Green? Bullshit!

BTW, is there anything prohibiting this forum or the MX5 club from
uniting to support initiatives to benefit MX5 owners other than offering
rallys, mystery drives, and advice on tires and mechanical repairs?


Need, more, 5-ing, time....
Need, more, 5-ing, time....
Posts: 109
Joined: Fri May 19, 2006 3:48 pm
Location: Paekakariki


Post by joanie » Fri Jan 09, 2004 11:15 am

Indeed a very bad show Bill and makes me very reluctant to take my MX5 into
the big city (I'm a Kapiti Coaster!)
I wonder who you are insured with though as usually if its your first claim
for the period you should only lose a step of your NCB
Cheers Joan

Bill Rehm


Post by Bill Rehm » Fri Jan 09, 2004 12:47 pm

I hope you are correct. I'm calling SIS (my insurer) now to find out



Post by Scott » Fri Jan 09, 2004 6:42 pm

Someone decided to remove my right side mirror on Christmas eve.
And on that note if anyone has a red one they want to sell ;-)


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