Any more offers of assistance for NZ Club website upgrade?

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2006
Black is the new black.
Black is the new black.
Posts: 601
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:20 pm
Location: An Eastern Beach

Any more offers of assistance for NZ Club website upgrade?

Post by zorruno » Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:46 am

Hi, I have a couple of excellent offers of assistance for rebuilding the
NZ club website so far thank you. Is there anyone else who wants to

I really need people with graphical skill, web design, coding (e.g.
perl/php/css/html or something), OSS software knowledge (preferably some
skills on Linux), experience with CMSs etc. Any one, or multiple of the
above skills are necessary please.

I'll be setting up an email discussion shortly, maybe kicked off by a
teleconference to decide how to start & proceed.

Please contact me off list**

zorruno, E-Administrator
Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand inc

*Remember that the club is run by volunteers, and if you volunteer,
please be prepared to help.

**Remove the -mx5list from my address)


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