An inspiration...

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2006
Keep calm, Forum Moderator here.
Keep calm, Forum Moderator here.
Posts: 530
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:47 pm
Location: JAFA Land

An inspiration...

Post by poison » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:43 pm

Thanks Simon. I tend to agree, a forum will be much quieter with less
responses to tech questions. And are a pain in the ass to use as you have to
log in, reply etc etc

If anyone does not want email from a certain person ie; me (what's wrong with
you? I'm lovely... ha ha :-) all you have to do (outlook express) is click on
the message and then on the top tool-bar select "Messages" and "Create rule
from Message" then you can follow the simple steps so that it will create a
rule and dump all the messages from me or anyone else into a specific folder
or bin. Easy.

:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

Michael & Kate Cooper

An inspiration...

Post by Michael & Kate Cooper » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:51 pm

Trouble is that occasionally you say something useful! Wouldn't have wanted
to miss out on that guitar piece, would I?

Maybe the rule could say "no e-mails from Gazza that contain the word BRG?"

Michael & Kate Cooper

An inspiration...

Post by Michael & Kate Cooper » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:51 pm

Trouble is that occasionally you say something useful! Wouldn't have wanted
to miss out on that guitar piece, would I?

Maybe the rule could say "no e-mails from Gazza that contain the word BRG?"

Keep calm, Forum Moderator here.
Keep calm, Forum Moderator here.
Posts: 530
Joined: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:47 pm
Location: JAFA Land

An inspiration...

Post by poison » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:54 pm

The piece of Music is called Canon in D major and was written by Pachelbel
(see below). Could you imagine that a piece of music written in the late
1600's would become an awesome guitar rock track over 300 years later...
wow... it makes me feel quite insignificant in this world, but happy to be
able to enjoy it.

The guitarist is called Jerry C and his site is although
there is much more about him if you just do a Google search on his name.
Johann Pachelbel 1653-1706


Johann Pachelbel began his musical instruction under Schwemmer and later at
the Universities of Altdorf and Ratisbon. In 1671 Johann moved to Vienna where
he became student and deputy organist to Kerll at the Imperial chapel. In 1677
he was organist for one year in Eisenach--the city of Bach's birth eight years
later. The following year he moved to Erfurt, where his son, Hieronymus, was
born. While in Erfurt he taught Johann Christoph Bach, Sebastian's older
brother and guardian in Ohrdruf when the Bach parents died. In 1690 Pachelbel
became court organist at Stuttgart. Two years later Johann took his final
post, in Nuremburg. Johann Pachelbel's repertory is the stylistic ancestor of
J. S. Bach's, particularly his technique of chorale variation. Carl Philipp
Emanuel named Pachelbel as a composer whose works his father had admired.

Johann aspired to drive an MX5 but the only one he could find was green, so
for obvious reasons of good taste he didn't get one. (This is to keep the car
theme going)


From Fri Apr 27 17:41:39 2007
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Subject: RE: emails vs forums: GET A FORUM!!
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 08:14:13 +1300
Thread-Topic: emails vs forums: GET A FORUM!!
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From: "Chris Tankard" <>
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Hey Kate,

I have offered to provide the forum, hosting, and bandwidth to the club
at no charge. No branding etc on it (unless the club wants to offer
this for paying sponsors) - I just have facilities already paid for.

I will make a mock up and release it to the committee and if they like
it they can release it to the masses.

Could someone from the committee please let me know who to email the
mockup please?

:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:


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