Mag Wheel Cleaner

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003
Tentative sideways sliding....
Tentative sideways sliding....
Posts: 43
Joined: Sun May 21, 2006 3:56 pm

Mag Wheel Cleaner

Post by brentweaver » Mon May 05, 2003 10:07 pm

I have BBS gold mag wheels that have probably never been cleaned on the
inside, they are coated with brake dust, tar, tyre paint & general gunge.They
looked rusty when first removed. Have used aerosol foam cleaner after
waterblasting but cant get them really clean. From the outside they look great
but was involved in the 100yr AA celebrations & wanted to have a show & shine
look. Anyone have any suggestions as I also tried scrubbing the foam cleaner
with a brush as well on the 2nd application. Does anyone know if the gold
finish is paint or anodised??? Thanks & Cheers. Brent

Phil McArthur

Mag Wheel Cleaner

Post by Phil McArthur » Tue May 06, 2003 7:34 am

Sounds like you have had more sucess than me! I couldn't find any sort of
cleaner than really attacked the 'rusty' look and it came down to elbow grease
and the non-bristle end of an old toothbrush to scrape/ flake off the worst of
it, then repeated scrubbing. I can't believe how many nooks and crannies to
harbour dirt those rims have. Don't know if they're painted or anodized.

PS you might take a leaf out of Nigel E's book and consider securing the
centre caps with a screw, as they are over a hundred dollars each to replace
if lost or pinched...


Mag Wheel Cleaner

Post by carl.halvorsen » Tue May 06, 2003 5:29 pm

I have had success with a brillo pad and 4 spare hours.


Phil McArthur

Mag Wheel Cleaner

Post by Phil McArthur » Tue May 06, 2003 10:50 pm

I'm afraid I'm not sure if this is tongue in cheek or not! After mutilating
my stainless steel hobs with 'non-scratch' abrasive pads I wasn't keen to use
anything that might scratch the finish on the rims- are brillo-type pads
really OK??

Phil (generally quite gullible) McArthur


Mag Wheel Cleaner

Post by carl.halvorsen » Thu May 08, 2003 8:54 pm

Phil brillos are fine on the inside.



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