Just got my TOYO T-1R's ...YEHAAA

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2005

Just got my TOYO T-1R's ...YEHAAA

Post by Nina » Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:00 pm

When I was over in the USofA in April, I drove a 99 sports package with T1
s thru Deal's Gap, aka Tail of the Dragon... 318 curves in 11 miles
The T1's stuck like glue in wet or dry, I had to try very hard to pry them
off the tarmac, and they came away with a polite little chirp before they
stuck again.

I want T1's too!!! (Dear Santa, I've been very very good this year... )

If you're ever over in the US, I recommend fitting in a trip to slay the
Check it out here: http://www.tailofthedragon.com/
Or http://www.killboy.com for some awesome pics


Just got my TOYO T-1R's ...YEHAAA

Post by Nina » Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:35 pm

Ok, so it looks like my reply didn't make it through, possibly because I had
included links in it?
Anyway, here it is, and if anybody want the links, email me directly ;-)

When I was over in the USofA in April, I drove a 99 sports package with T1's
thru Deal's Gap, aka Tail of the Dragon... 318 curves in 11 miles

The T1's stuck like glue in wet or dry, I had to try very hard to pry them
off the tarmac, and they came away with a polite little chirp before they
stuck again.

I want T1's too!!! (Dear Santa, I've been very very good this year... )

If you're ever over in the US, I recommend fitting in a trip to slay the


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Just got my TOYO T-1R's ...YEHAAA

Post by Okibi » Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:39 pm

I have T1-R's and I love them even more than the T1-S's.

But a word of caution with any new tyres; they're covered with some sort of
grease to protect them in shipping/storage.

NEVER hammer a set of brand new tyres, always be cautious until you're 100%
sure you've scrubbed off all the slippery stuff.

My 2 cents.

- Dave
If you had access to a car like this, would you take it back right away? Neither would I.

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Just got my TOYO T-1R's ...YEHAAA

Post by poison » Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:09 pm

Hey Glenn

If it's not too rude to ask, how much are a set and what size are yours? I'm
running 16''s that must have been pretty cheap as they just don't stick at
all in the damp, and wet is just scary, be OK if was always the rear that
went but thanks to the MX5 balance I've had understeer on roundabouts too.


:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:


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