Final commentary

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2005
Bill Rehm

Final commentary

Post by Bill Rehm » Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:27 pm

I won't waste my valuable time responding on this matter beyond this
reply. I'll simply delete them.

Congratulations, several of you have won the 2005 award for being "Drama
Queens of the Year" -- and it is only 19 January! Perhaps you should
volunteer for some Tsunami relief program, Free Tibet movement, or
better yet join the Green Party and help abolish all combustible engines
and motorways!!!

As my KIWI mate amusingly stated after my forwarding your various
"catastrophe" messages to him (he's someone who congregates amongst
people in NZ who drive "real machines"): "what do you expect from a
bunch of hair-dressers".

Ramble on all you want about your tops, modifications, suspensions, mag
wheels, tires, etc, etc, totally oblivious to the reality that sports
cars where ORIGINALLY designed to be driven - as opposed to being
manufactured to feed your pathetic low self-esteem, or compensate for
your "save the world" mind-set, and MOST certainly not around in
circles, ovals, or as we call them here "circuits".

However, I understand and accept your limited capacity to embrace living
(and BTW, death is part of life - and I have been exposed to it more
than most of you - AND in its MOST gruesome form).

Many of you are a classic example of why we live in probably what is
considered the most PC country on the planet!

Feel free to intellectually masturbate your narrow-minded, subjective
beliefs all you want... and God forbid don't, what-ever you do, quash
a bug on your windscreen (and certainly don't get any dust on your UK
plastic pocket or risk getting your imported tan top dirty).

Bottom-line: I had a FANTASTIC 3 weeks - as much fun as "throwing gears"
10 years ago in my Miata through the Sierra Nevada's. For 19 days I
drove a sports car the way it was DESIGNED to be driven - and in a
manner I have been blessed to be capable of doing, now for nearly 40
years. I NEVER, over the entire 7,500 kms crossed a centre-line on a
bend/curve (a personal "competency requirement" of mine), or crossed a
double line, AND the only person EVER at risk was me.

I also carry private medical and considerable sums of liability
insurance as I am not one who believes in, or for that matter depends
upon, as so many do in this country (and I might be forgiven for
thinking this includes many of my MX5 list critics) "the government" for
my medical or future welfare.

In closing may I suggest to all you "Drama Queens" and "Fatalists",
conditioned perhaps by reading too much "sensationalised journalism",
watching too much TV, or I suspect more accurately have a limited
perception of what living and the world is really all about: "Get a

Have a good evening

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Final commentary

Post by poison » Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:04 pm

Jesus you're a wanker

:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

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Final commentary

Post by mx5mike » Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:24 pm

Disappointed mate.

You wrote some bloody good emails over the last few months and contributed
good stuff to the list.

Going off the deep-end like that seems really out of character.


Colin Francis

Final commentary

Post by Colin Francis » Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:43 pm

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 23:04:31 +1300, you wrote:


See my 5 and raise you.
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Final commentary

Post by EricW » Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:34 am

Got to you then did I Bill, not got the balls to face up to it?

Just remember that when, as, with your attitude you inevitably will, you
kill either yourself or someone else, these emails are sitting on my hard
drive. What comes around goes around.



Bill Rehm

Final commentary

Post by Bill Rehm » Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:15 am

For your obvious need to be educated, the actual clichi is "what goes
around comes around", which I accept as one of life's realities. I also
embrace this clichi: "life is what happens when you are planning other
things" - a quote by John Lennon when he was reigniting, a few years
after the break-up of the Beatles, his musical career - and a relatively
short time before someone shot him in the head ...

Everything in life has its trade-offs. Sorry to disappoint you Eric, but
you have not "got to me". Your narrow minded perspective only amuses me,
and brought a smile to my face.

Have a GREAT day -- I hope you make the most of it.


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Keep calm, Forum Moderator here.
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Final commentary

Post by poison » Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:19 pm

Hi all,

Did anyone else get a private email from Bill, with a new
years wish of "Go f*** yourself a**hole!" (censored only in
this case to make it past zorrunos very clever and
impressive email filter). Just wondered if I am the only
'lucky' recipient.

I understand you being pissed off but I can't believe you
showed such a total lack of human decency regarding your
comments re the Tsunami appeal, I am glad we have a world
with some heros who selflessly gave their time to this
cause. Secondly I now see from your comments you are from
the states and seem to have many issues with NZ and life
here, so why stay? Can't you go kill some of your own
countrymen on the roads, although some of my fiends are over
in the US so how about trying Aussie :-)

I, as do we all, make mistakes now and again and so do silly
things on the road because we are human. But you boasted
about yourself, bitched about our country NZ, and then
belittled the Tsunami effort with such arrogance you begged
to be slagged off.

Also fair comment Ron B, but as I just said I feel any
slagging in this case was well and truly earned.

Bill I have the Balls at least have the balls to send
me your insults across the public domain or feel free not to
bother, after all you did mention more than once none of
this bothers me.

Cheers all


:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

Colin Francis

Final commentary

Post by Colin Francis » Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:29 pm

On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 16:19:23 +1300, you wrote:
Hi all,

Did anyone else get a private email from Bill, with a new
years wish of "Go f*** yourself a**hole!" (censored only in
this case to make it past zorrunobs very clever and
impressive email filter). Just wondered if I am the only
'lucky' recipient.
Yeah . I got one from the dork.


To: 'Colin Francis' <>
From: Bill Rehm <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 00:42:05 +1300

Thanks "God" for your positive endorsement.

No doubt your message was written in the hope it would motivate someone
to forward my original email.

Now doesn't that say more about you than it does about me - you're an



I am still laughing at the pathetic snotgobbler .



Colin Francis

Michael & Kate Cooper

Final commentary

Post by Michael & Kate Cooper » Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:45 pm

Hi All - I composed this whilst driving round the South Island today -
plenty of time to reflect and come up with my own opinions on speeding and
what makes a good/bad driver.
From my limited driving experience (definitely no room to show off there!),
I'd rather share the roads with a competent, speeding driver with common
sense (not so common nowdays), than most of the half-witted people I seem to
encounter on a daily basis! They may not break the speed limit, but their
behaviour is no less dangerous. In particular, one guy driving on the windy
country road to our house was only doing 40km/h (in a 100 zone) but was
spending 70% of his time on the wrong side of the road - on the inside of
blind corners!! He moved back to the correct side for the straight bits,
but for the other cars coming the other way who miraculously didn't meet him
half-way round a corner - their life could have been changed for the worse
in a second, simply by stopping to tie a shoelace before they left, or just
pausing that extra moment before moving off!

I was talking to an 85yr old a couple of months back who came back from
holiday boasting of how he drove 800km in 8 hours - from the west to east
coast of NZ - on his way home. Now that is a little scary. (I thought I
drove fast - and my average for an open road trip is about 80km/h)

In my opinion, it's not so much excessive speed that kills - it's useless

If a person practices sensible overtaking, indicating their intentions,
driving to the road and weather conditions and the limits of their car,
that's okay, isn't it?

If a person drives excessively slowly, hugging the centre line, not pulling
over to let cars past, not even aware they are holding up traffic, stopping
in the middle of the road to look at the view or decide where to go,
crossing the centre line around corners when they can't see the road,
falling asleep whilst driving, driving drunk, driving too fast for their
skill or road conditions etc etc ... surely they are far more likely to
cause loss of life than a person just breaking the speed limit.

I think it should be more difficult to get a license, and easier to lose it,
and a test required before tourists drive in NZ, and more police on the
roads policing bad driving - not sitting by the side of the road collecting


PS - have just read Ron's reply - hear hear!


Final commentary

Post by Biff » Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:16 pm

So Eric, what exactly are you threatening?

Quite frankly I'm getting sick of it, take it off list, I personally, and in
all fairness to the rest of us, don't think this has anything what so ever
to do with MX5's
If you have an axe to grind do it somewhere else!
As for the "I've seen more nasty stuff than you have" (so there!) arguments
and the "you have been a naughty boy and I'm going to tell" type of
sentiments, they do tend to make you all look a wee juvenile.
What's done is done, right or wrong, and as I pointed out days ago, let he
who is without sin cast the first stone.

My opinion don't count for squat, its just an opinion, if you are a member
of the police force and have some authority, then exercise it, as for the
rest stfu.
Geez ...end of rant!!!

Mind you, Bill does compose an elegant email :)


Bill Rehm

Final commentary

Post by Bill Rehm » Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:15 pm


Bill Rehm

Final commentary

Post by Bill Rehm » Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:28 pm

Sorry Mr G, I would not degrade the lists' communication in that manner,
which is why I sent a private message to both you and Colin Francis - if
nothing else I understand there are things shared on the list and things
that should be communicated privately. Apparently you and Colin lack
that degree of discretion -- why am I not surprised :)

While your Gestapo "clansman" Eric sent a private message to me, I might
be forgiven for thinking his motive was an attempt to covertly hide his
vindictive, self-righteous orientation.

Candidly, I really do find the three of you pathetically amusing.


Colin Francis

Final commentary

Post by Colin Francis » Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:34 am

On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 22:28:14 +1300, you wrote:
Sorry Mr G, I would not degrade the lists' communication in that manner,
which is why I sent a private message to both you and Colin Francis - if
nothing else I understand there are things shared on the list and things
that should be communicated privately. Apparently you and Colin lack
that degree of discretion -- why am I not surprised :)

While your Gestapo "clansman" Eric sent a private message to me, I might
be forgiven for thinking his motive was an attempt to covertly hide his
vindictive, self-righteous orientation.

Candidly, I really do find the three of you pathetically amusing.

Protocol dictates that snipping of previous posts in the interest of conserving
bandwith is prudent.

Oh.. and GFPATM


Colin Francis

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Final commentary

Post by Badcat » Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:39 am

On 21/01/2005, at 8:34 AM, Colin Francis wrote:
haven't seen that one.
can you give us some clues?


The fact that no-one understands you does not make you an artist.

Ken Newell


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