Front tow hooks

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2005
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Front tow hooks

Post by Grant » Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:39 am

A lovely MX5 day here in Blenheim except for one small fact. My 1998 NB
won't go! It shouldn't be sulking as it just had a nice new set of
Bridgestone GIIIs fitted a couple of weeks ago.
OK when parked at the weekend but refuses to start now. No hint of firing at
all. Now, how do you tow an MX5 without front tow hooks.
I recently fitted a front grill to protect the exposed radiator from stone
damage. This meant removing the front tow hooks which means there is nothing
at all to attach a tow rope to.
On my NA, I installed a grill with cutouts for the tow hooks. Many people
remove their hooks for aesthetic reasons and I agree the car looks better
without them. Anyway, had to call out a tow truck to pull the car onto its
deck using the rear hooks.
Just a warning if you are thinking of removing those front hooks.
Now all I have to do is wait for the nice man to repair the car. I just hope
he is not planning an expensive winter holliday.

Not so happy Grant in sunny Blenheim. Oh well, back to the Diesel Bighorn
today :(
Red 2006 NC Tiptronic

bert wouda

Front tow hooks

Post by bert wouda » Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:41 am


You still can't beat a Diesel for it's reliability , ... I might fit a
towbar and tow my Diesel with me in case when the MX breaks down...(
and keep my tow hooks )

interested to hear what your brake down problem is , ... hope it's not too
costly . ( you always buy my '99 NB )


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Front tow hooks

Post by zorruno » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:21 am

on 10/08/2005 9:39 a.m. The Simpsons wrote:
Now, how do you tow an MX5 without front tow hooks.
you keep a tow hook in your boot together with its bolts. If you need
to tow, you bolt it on again. I suggest keeping the correct socket in
the boot with it too.


From Fri Apr 27 17:35:23 2007
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Not sure if it is of any use to anyone - I have an original radio from a
'89 (in mint condition) that I have replaced.

If anyone wants it (free) just let me know.



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