Mazda parts (commentary)

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2002
Bill Rehm

Mazda parts (commentary)

Post by Bill Rehm » Thu Jul 04, 2002 7:06 am

This string of emails isn't the first time a number of people have
complained about JA Ford. It appears to resurrect all too frequently.

Does anyone think (other than myself) that it would be worth while for
every member willing to be included to each send an email (I'll be happy to
write one) emphasising our annoyance, frustration and dissatisfaction and
the potential $$$ consequences to whoever is the 'big cheese' over at JA
Ford? (I don't know who that is or how we get his/her email address)

My experience suggests that griping amongst ourselves won't accomplish
anything, on the other hand a significant number complaining to someone who
could lose $$$ from their employees behaviour might have some impact. Even
if a member hasn't gone there in the past, they may want to be included as
you never know when you might find yourself walking through the doors of
that 'kingdom' over there!

When approaching the service/parts counter recently I mentioned I was a
club member. The person's reaction was in effect "who gives a s_ _ _t". I
would prefer to see this organisation and its members receive the
recognition and service deserved when someone goes there.

Personally, I think there are a few (but certainly not all) people there
who need to be read the riot act or find religion! There are a rather
larger number of MX5 members in Auckland, anyone besides me willing to give
it a go or would most prefer to just whine or play victim?

Sam Parker

Mazda parts (commentary)

Post by Sam Parker » Thu Jul 04, 2002 10:25 pm

Dealer Principal at JA Ford/Mazda is Trevor Walmsley, you might copy it to Peter Aitken head of Mazda NZ, cant help with emails but just call company and ask reception


Sam & Denise Parker
340 Beach Road
Mairangi Bay

Ph/fax 64 9 478 4761
Mobile sam 021 909 140, Denise 025 774 917

Bill Rehm

Mazda parts (commentary)

Post by Bill Rehm » Fri Jul 05, 2002 7:15 am

Thanks Sam

I find it interesting (actually I think it's pathetic) that in the 24 hours
since sending my suggestion only two people have responded by expressing
support for taking action (that's assuming your message can be considered
one of them). As bad is the fact that the few who have responded have
offered options for not dealing with the problem. Based on the very small
response am I to assume most MX5 owners would prefer to just whine on this
list, play victim or run away from the problem by finding an alternative?
For every NZ MX5 owner's sake I hope not! Of course there is always the
possibility that a majority already have written off dealers a long time
ago as an option for the very reasons that precipitated this chain of

No wonder customer service in general is pathetically poor here in NZ (ever
watch Target on TV on Sunday evenings?). A lot of people in NZ don't seem
to get it: if you don't do something proactive, the situation won't change
---- don't take action and JA Ford and other dealers will continue to be
rude, give poor service, and take an excessive amount of your money for
your troubles. Whining or avoiding doesn't solve the problem.

I will attempt to obtain the email addresses, and would appreciate any
assistance that anyone can provide with this. I'll also develop an email
people can send or tailor for themselves. Maybe then some people on this
list will be prepared to demonstrate they can do something more proactive
than driving an MX5 fast, or manoeuvre it quickly.

PS: in case anyone's wondering, the answer is "No": I'm not a union
organiser, I'm not running for political office and don't covertly work for
the Consumer's Affairs Department (or whatever it's called) ;-)

Biff [Paradise 2]

Mazda parts (commentary)

Post by Biff [Paradise 2] » Fri Jul 05, 2002 2:15 pm

Hi Bill,
I know how you feel, by the tone, its how I get dealing with Telecom.
Firstly, I'm not in the north isle, so I don't deal with this outfit,
secondly, you will find most (?) NZ'ers reluctant to bitch in writing,
they will vote with their feet (and wallet) and if that fails give ya a
smack in the ear.

Best of luck with this Ford outfit, one thing I would have the group
remember, the time you will need help, stuck away from home with a bit
of ya MX broken, you can bet that's when you will run into this
retailer, just when you don't need it.

Best of luck Bill, but I get the feeling ya on ya own, that's of course
this time.
This string of moans will resurface some time down the road, at least
then you can shrug your shoulders with a degree of smugness.

I take it these peanuts retail in the Auckland neck of the woods?
So the rest of us are safe?


Bill Rehm

Mazda parts (commentary)

Post by Bill Rehm » Fri Jul 05, 2002 7:12 pm

Hey guys & gals, first let me reiterate that I'm not on some kind of
personal crusade here and I have no intention of being on one ---- if for
no other reason than I don't have the time. However, if I learn of a dealer
principal's email address I will post it.

I realise, as Biff stated below, most Kiwi's are reluctant to behave in a
manner that might be perceived in any way as confrontational --- it's
something I see every day operating in my professional work. However, as
the old saying goes, "if you keep on doing the same old things, you'll keep
on getting the same old results".

That's why too often people will go to a restaurant, receive lousy service
or a bad meal, not say anything to the owner and just never go back.
Meanwhile all they have done is ensure that the next unsuspecting customer
gets caught out with a bad dining experience as well.

I'll leave it up to the individuals in positions of responsibility in the
club to decide whether there is an opportunity here to add value to the
membership ---- admittedly, based on the dialogue in this email stream, I'm
not optimistic but hope I'm proven wrong. I've shared my view which is what
I would like to think, in part, this list is all about.



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