Wheeel Alignment

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2002
Mike Donovan

Wheeel Alignment

Post by Mike Donovan » Sat Oct 26, 2002 7:26 am

Can anyone offer some advise please.
Yesterday I took my car in to Lincoln Tyres for a wheel alignment (after
having swapped the suspension springs around a couple of weeks ago), when I
got it back , the wheel alignment report that came with the job states the
model as:
My MX5 is a Eunos but I think I recall reading that the eunos 100 was a
Famillia not a mx5?
Anyone have any ideas.

According to the sheet even after alignment the specs for the front caster are
still way out?

Any thoughts appreciated
Thanks Mike


Wheeel Alignment

Post by Mathew » Tue Oct 29, 2002 8:27 am

I'm pretty sure a Eunos 100 is the old model mazda Astina with the pop up lights. My mother used to have one years ago and its handling was nothing like an mx5 so the alignments specs are probably quite different from a roadster. I'd take it back and get them to confirm that they used the correct specs.



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