A Point of View

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2002
Bill Rehm

A Point of View

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon May 27, 2002 1:29 pm

Ken's message below has triggered something I've been thinking about for a
while. Hopefully no one will view what I have to say as narrow minded or a
"stick in the mud".

Given all the emails people must deal with now-a-days, there seems to be a
greater and greater proportion of dialogue on this list of what I would
call "BS" rather than the informative Q&A type stuff. For me this does
become particularly annoying during the business day or when travelling out
of town when I find myself having to download via my web mail, tons of list
emails which are more of a personal interaction between a few list members.

Hey I enjoy a joke as much as the next person and have admittedly
participated on 1 or 2 occasions. However when it strings out to over 5+
messages focussed on the personal interests and humour of a few list
members, well maybe it's time to take the conversation off-side to
something other than the list?

Again, not trying to be a "stick in the mud" but it's just a thought.


Graeme Naisbitt

A Point of View

Post by Graeme Naisbitt » Mon May 27, 2002 1:47 pm

yes, but the same can be applied to the Q&A type stuff, I'm not particularly
interested in tyres at the moment, and they have had a good deal of exposure
recently. I'm not bothered about the 'overfueling' thread, it doesn't apply
to me... etc. etc. etc.

So what do you do? I suppose a forum whould be a better idea for this kind
of thing.



A Point of View

Post by chrishoys » Mon May 27, 2002 2:22 pm

I agree totally, there is nothing wrong with a bit of light hearted banter, just join in and make it interesting!


Bill Rehm

A Point of View

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon May 27, 2002 2:59 pm

Graham & Chrissy

No one said this should be a 'black or white' issue.

While you may not be interested in tires the Q&A does update you on
thinking regarding the latest available and the overfueling thing, while
not an interest of mine either, it does enlighten me to technical aspects
about our cars that I wasn't even aware of --- again informative in nature.
At least Q&A possibly results in money saved or better performance.

On the other hand a laboriously long string on personal car colour --- well
I think it could be off-sided. I'm not going to get into a debate on this
--- it would be worse than one on politics ----- I expressed an opinion and
that's that --- I don't know about you but I have to earn an income, no one
pays me a salary to spend time on the list ;-)

From photos@parkside.co.nz Fri Apr 27 16:08:57 2007
User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/9.0.2509
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 16:06:28 +1200
Subject: Go fast
From: Sean <photos@parkside.co.nz>
To: MX5 Club <mx5list@mx5club.org.nz>
Mime-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
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Message-ID: <Os_1l.A.OJB.1jXMGB@L733>

I've been thinking about supercharging my BLUE MX5 and would like to here
from other list members where they got theirs done and if they are happy
with the outcome etc


Tracey Gunn

A Point of View

Post by Tracey Gunn » Mon May 27, 2002 4:43 pm

In my humble opinion - use the delete key! I only have email at work and
subscribe to a couple of mailing lists - one being the MX5 list, and the
other is work-related. I receive around 100 emails a day from my
work-related list, most of which doesn't interest or apply to me
specifically. So I just delete the ones with subjects that don't interest
me. I doesn't take much time and the MX5 list doesn't create that much
mail. If the subject doesn't take your fancy, just delete!

I think that banter as to which car colour is better is amusing - all MX5
owners are proud of their vehicles and probably think theirs is the best.
Anyway, I'm sure anyone on the list would prefer a less desirable coloured
MX5 than a more desirable coloured MR2!!!

Tracey (female MADMXV)


Charles & Morven Lynch

A Point of View

Post by Charles & Morven Lynch » Mon May 27, 2002 8:48 pm

All lists go through this at some point. The trouble is that different
people want different things from a list. For some it's a way to
socialise and make friends, for others it's only a way to learn more
about their cars.The trick is to ignore what doesn't interest you and
participate in what does.
For me this does become particularly annoying during the business day.
Why don't you get yourself a Yahoo or Hotmail account and subscribe to
the list through that. That way you can read the list at a time and place
that suits you.
T0PDWN (always)
Charles & Morven Lynch, chicnmo@lynchz.com on 27/05/2002

Bill Rehm

A Point of View

Post by Bill Rehm » Tue May 28, 2002 7:08 am

Good suggestion...


From MattGunn@newstalkzb.co.nz Fri Apr 27 16:08:04 2007
content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: A Point of View
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 08:15:00 +1200
Thread-Topic: A Point of View
Thread-Index: AcIFtj8KGjAL3G7mQ2+UjGSWDkzUAQAAPs3g
From: "Matt Gunn" <MattGunn@newstalkzb.co.nz>
To: "MX5List" <mx5list@mx5club.org.nz>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Precedence: list
Message-ID: <-3Zx6C.A.cJB.1jXMGB@L733>

Hi all

I use this list for a number of reasons.
1) to be informed.When the need is there.
2) I have an MX5 ( its a red one) and am interested in what other people are thinking about theirs.
3) to be entertained

I get all this and more. I will say , like others, much of the tech talk is beyond me so I dont worry with it. Superchargers and turbos , continued talk of tires, getting BBS inserts for mags , offsets etc blah blah blah. Hang on I dont have to read it.

I also get the list on my work e-mail. If I'm busy - I dont read it. If it is of no interest to me , I dont read it.

Your opinion is yours , good luck. But if it's a problem getting too much email at work , dont get it sent there.

have a lovely day

I'm off to get rid of some spam - what a great breakfast.




A Point of View

Post by Blts » Tue May 28, 2002 8:12 pm

If you think this list has too many irrelevant postings going to your work
email address, just be glad you don't subscribe to any of the Tyco



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