mags and tryes

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2002
Glen McLean

mags and tryes

Post by Glen McLean » Wed May 01, 2002 7:02 pm

dont get 17" wheels go for 16" you will be better off. trust me.
dont listen to the rest of the boffins, they know little about the real

i do.

go in to the mag shops and take a look. the mx5 would be one of the hardest
cars to buy mags for. dont get me wrong there are heaps of wheels to fit
them. butr, and a nbig but it is maddam, they look ugley with just about any
of the common wheels out there. have a look at the y.h.i range of wheels.
there is a wheel called "sonama" it looks fantastic on the 5. no else has
them that i have seen. my ex bitch has them on her corolla now. they looked
great on my car, but i gave them to her in an act of passion. i noe have
some payton pace wheels for now, and they look great.

choose carefully my friend . it's a large capital outlay in regard to the
price if the car. dont over capitalise the vehicle.

i love my mx5 and the oversteer in the wet and nasty roads in nz.

you said

Hello all, I am almost finished paying off my MX5, making it officially mine
:-) and as a result, I'll have a little more spare cash and would like to
put on some nice new mags.
I hve been listening and reading intently to all your wonderful wealth of
knowledge and have decided that I'm going to go with some 17" mags and nice
low profile tyres (keeping the sizes etc as close to the factory specs as
possible). With this in mind, does anyone have any suggestions? know of any
mags which are well suited etc?




mags and tryes

Post by Scott » Wed May 01, 2002 7:52 pm

I'm not worried about over capitalising, I'm gonna have it for some time and
couldn't care less about resale value. :-)


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