E-Admin hat again, (was: Re: Why we should hate our police f

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2003
MX5 Club E-Administrator

E-Admin hat again, (was: Re: Why we should hate our police f

Post by MX5 Club E-Administrator » Thu May 15, 2003 7:04 pm

Ok. I'm sorry to say I have to put on my uncle E-Admin hat again. This is
not directed at you specifically Lou, yours just happened to be the last
comment I read.

Once again, as I always say, this is generally an unmoderated list, but some
general guidelines apply as listed at
http://www.mx5club.org.nz/emaillists/nzmx5list/tips/ .
This is a reminder to all of a few issues, specifically items 2, and also
items 8 and 9. I think it is at least 6 months since I stepped in to remind
list members to read this info, and if new members haven't done so, please
read it.

Regarding this particular "hate NZ Police" thread, I think that is enough,
and bashing of a particular group in general. You can do that in the
alt.nz.hate.occupations.pigs newsgroup, or discuss it between yourselves
offlist please.

My brief rant:
I think generally people get a lot of useful information out of this list,
but when their inboxes are flooded with irrelevant information, or society
bashing (which certain members of the community listening may possibly
belong) they will quickly switch off. I've put a lot of work into creating
this community, and I would like people (who provide useful information
related to MX5s) to stay. Whether they are a NZ Club member or not, or
whether they live in Auckland, whether they work for the Police, whether
they drive an pink auto MX5 with a hardtop on etc. Humourous comments aside,
please think before you post.

Thanks all, carry on with you previously scheduled (MX5 related!)

zorruno :)
your friendly NZ MX5 List & NZ Club Website E-Administrator

Gary Morrison
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E-Admin hat again, (was: Re: Why we should hate our police f

Post by Gary Morrison » Thu May 15, 2003 9:52 pm

zorruno, you are so reasonable, and I like your idea for the newsgroup below, how does one go about creating it? I looked and searching under pig the nearest I found was...


and under hate I found...


which I guess you would if you never saw it because it rained all the time?

On Thu, 15 May 2003 19:04:46 +1200, MX5 Club E-Administrator wrote:

Regarding this particular "hate NZ Police" thread, I think that is enough,
and bashing of a particular group in general. You can do that in the
alt.nz.hate.occupations.pigs newsgroup, or discuss it between yourselves
offlist please.

lou Girardin

E-Admin hat again, (was: Re: Why we should hate our police f

Post by lou Girardin » Fri May 16, 2003 8:21 am

I accept your point, but don't agree entirely. We are a car club and the
actions of the Police and LTSA are dedicated to removing the whole point of
our existance. namely enjoying our cars. The more widely their actions are
highlighted, the greater the public resistance will be. Then we may see

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E-Admin hat again, (was: Re: Why we should hate our police f

Post by MX5PWR » Fri May 16, 2003 8:29 am

Thats the whole point lou, we are a car club and should be enjoying what we have, winging and bitching in a closed forum such as this aint going to change a thing. We dont want to loose members because of the continual negative content and language that has become prevolent of late.


Bill Rehm

E-Admin hat again, (was: Re: Why we should hate our police f

Post by Bill Rehm » Fri May 16, 2003 8:59 am

Lou, I have to agree with Nigel and feel in part responsible for simply
responding to one of your earlier emails with my own personal experience,
though not quite the same.

Again, hating the police or for that matter making disparaging remarks
about them isn't the solution. Only way to change this is as voters who
exercise are voting rights - that is NOT an option the group you mentioned
had in 1933 --- you're comparing apples to oranges.

Maybe you could get a number of individuals from different car clubs to
join some united group to pressure some existing political party to raise
the profile of the issue you feel so strongly about. If you feel that
strongly about this matter I suggest you convert your anger, probably more
accurately your frustration, into some constructive form of action, not
simply vent via this forum.


lou Girardin

E-Admin hat again, (was: Re: Why we should hate our police f

Post by lou Girardin » Fri May 16, 2003 2:50 pm

To be frank, I give up. If forceful opinions upset some of the delicate
sensibilities of people on this list to the extent of those opinions being
discouraged and/or restricted. I'll keep my thoughts to myself. But those
delicate flowers should check the US list and see what lengthy arguments
develop over there.
By the way, Jews did have the vote, it was taken away by an elected government
that assumed dictatorial powers.
Just like your right to drive any car you wish could be. What will happen when
the LTSA decides 2 seat convertibles are too dangerous/frivolous to be
One of the early US statesmen said, " In order for tyranny to succeed it only
needs good men to do nothing.
Good Luck


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