Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
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Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Post by poison » Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:24 pm


Got my car back from the paint shop today but the passenger wing mirror is all
floppy then it came off completely at the ball joint. There is a screw that
goes up through the ball joint into something inside the mirror. Whatever this
is inside the mirror its rattling around.

Does anyone know if I can take the mirror apart or do I have to pop the glass?
But if I try this I think my glass will become a kitset mirror. Has anyone
replaced the glass in their mirror? did it just pop-in?

Of course I got a cash job at the paint shop and am reluctant to complain at
this stage.

Any tips please, cheers


PS: Hey Ross :-) how much for a passenger mirror, pref' silver if not they
will no doubt paint it for me..
:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

ross campbell

Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Post by ross campbell » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:08 pm

Hi Gazza;Ill save you some money and you can fix it yourself.You can gently
pry the plastic mirror retainer off and the the glass will come out.You may
need to run around the edge with a sharp knife to break the glue seal on
the retainer.The bolt holding the mirror to the base will have rusted and
broken.You can replace it with a standard M6 bolt. You need a flat washer
to retain the spring inside the mirror.The bolt then goes through the
mirror then the base knuckle.Its a bit fiddly to hold everything together
till you get the nut on.Tighten it up put the glass back in, glue on the
retainer with Ados and your done.Dont break the glass as its convex and you
cant buy them seperate from the mirror. Ross.

ross campbell

Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Post by ross campbell » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:08 pm

Hi Gazza;Ill save you some money and you can fix it yourself.You can gently
pry the plastic mirror retainer off and the the glass will come out.You may
need to run around the edge with a sharp knife to break the glue seal on
the retainer.The bolt holding the mirror to the base will have rusted and
broken.You can replace it with a standard M6 bolt. You need a flat washer
to retain the spring inside the mirror.The bolt then goes through the
mirror then the base knuckle.Its a bit fiddly to hold everything together
till you get the nut on.Tighten it up put the glass back in, glue on the
retainer with Ados and your done.Dont break the glass as its convex and you
cant buy them seperate from the mirror. Ross.

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Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Post by poison » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:21 pm

Hi Ross,

Thankyou so much. The mirrors have been repainted and I really was not sure if
the black bit was a glued in retainer or just a moulding line. I'll give it a
go cheers. You're right about the rust :-) there is a fair bit of it falling



PS:- Got my spoiler painted and fitted, looks great thanks.
:twisted: Gazda in the white HOT Mazda :twisted:

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Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Post by brentweaver » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:37 pm

Hi Gazza, I took my mirrors apart about 2years ago, without any trouble. I
cleaned up the mounting bolts & greased them with anti seize grease. I then
dropped it into my friendly glass man & he glued it back together, no charge.
Cheer's You can do it.
Brent. 93 S

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Tentative sideways sliding....
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Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Post by brentweaver » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:37 pm

Hi Gazza, I took my mirrors apart about 2years ago, without any trouble. I
cleaned up the mounting bolts & greased them with anti seize grease. I then
dropped it into my friendly glass man & he glued it back together, no charge.
Cheer's You can do it.
Brent. 93 S


Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Post by carl.halvorsen » Sun Jun 06, 2004 3:27 pm

Once you open it up give everything a clean, grease or fishleen it before
reassembly. I drilled a 10mm hole underneath both my mirrors to let any water
that gets in, to get out.


Broken Wing Mirror.. HELP!!!

Post by carl.halvorsen » Sun Jun 06, 2004 3:27 pm

Once you open it up give everything a clean, grease or fishleen it before
reassembly. I drilled a 10mm hole underneath both my mirrors to let any water
that gets in, to get out.


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