Speed Cameras: HELP

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Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Grant » Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:12 am

An easy way to check the speedo is with a GPS. Let the GPS acquire some
satellites then go cruising at whatever speed you like. The GPS will
register your speed very accurately. According to mine, my MX5 speedo is
about 4km/h fast at 100km/h (ie the speedo indicates 104km/h). The roughly
4% error seems to be across the speed range, so gives me a small safety
margin as far as tickets are concerned. It's more good luck than management
though that my last ticket was in 1975 in my Jensen Healey!

Red 2006 NC Tiptronic


Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Biff » Sun Apr 04, 2004 1:16 pm

Now there's a novel "trip".
A route determined by camera location, with a weapon of
choice...hang on there is an idea forming...well
maybe not, but then again :)


Lou Girardin

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Lou Girardin » Sun Apr 04, 2004 2:54 pm

Camera radar is not affected by cosine error.


Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Fred » Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:32 pm

Hi Bill
Haven't been keeping up with the goss about your notice.
But remember that if u don't pay u go to court and all that is required is
to prove u were over the limit, not by how much.
So 51 can do it.
There are all sorts of variants so 11kmh is a safe lower limit for the
police to set their cameras and not be bothered with court.
51 or 59 doesn't matter it "Exceeding 50kmh"" that's all that counts.


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Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by EricW » Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:53 pm

Surely the simplest way of defeating this is simply NOT TO PAY!

If everyone who received a pill for a speed under a reasonable level, say 65
KM/h, defended the ticket as a matter of course, or even just requested a
hearing, the whole thing would very quickly bog down. A quarter of a Million
defended cases a year would give the Police and the Dept for Courts a real
headache, particularly if we all put off paying the fines, which would
inevitably result in the short term, until the last day before they could
commence collection action, and caused them to send out reminders and
demands at great cost. Applying for Legal Aid each time, and for time to pay
the fine, adds further cost to the courts

The whole reason that speed cameras work as revenue collection devices is
that people are either too scared, or too silly, and they simply pay up.
There is no effective protest, and a profit for Ms Clarke and her Associates
at the end of it, so why wouldn't they use cameras to pay for Hip Hop Tours
and Iwi negotiations?

We have to remove the profit incentive.

I say again, let's have a little sedition! There is nothing in what I
suggest that is not within your rights under law, you just have to have the
"Cajones" to do it.

I suggest we unite under the slogan "Play Up, Don't Pay Up" and march on
Wellington. If we can find something for young Bill to throw into the
Harbour, so much the better. (Does any one know if Helen can swim)?



Lou Girardin

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Lou Girardin » Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:02 pm

You forget Eric, you're in NZ. When does anyone other than Maoris and
farmers march on Parliament.

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Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by EricW » Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:07 pm

Fred is actually quite correct, the offence is "Exceeding a Limit" not
"Doing a Speed"

What we need to do is determine the level at which the limit is set. As I
have said before, "the speed at which 90% of traffic travels anyway" is
generally about right.

A little pressure on the Courts and Government could see us all a lot


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Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by my2cta » Sun Apr 04, 2004 8:38 pm

Good idea. Just checked out one of the 'fleet' with a GPS this afternoon,
the slow-and-doesn't-handle towing vehicle (Suzuki Vitara V6). Guess what?
Speedo needle sitting dead on 50 kph, GPS registered speed of 50.0 kph!. I'm
amazed, always thought this was the one that registered slow out of the the
three, as I seem to always be passing other traffic when needle sits on 110.
Have to try it again at higher speeds to see if an error has crept in by
then. Will also have to see whether Honda and Mazda can do as well as this
another day.

MY2CTA (amongst other lesser vehicles)

Jo Kyle

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Jo Kyle » Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:47 pm

Umm... I believe the initial reason that police tried to target speeding
was to save lives?

Sure there are questions arising these days regarding revenue raising,
however the point is that we are supposed to drive at the appropriate speed
for the road (and conditions) we are driving on... Not how good we are at
getting away with breaking the law...

Don't know about you guys but I prefer my MX5 in one piece, I also don't
think I need to speed to enjoy driving it. Sure it's tempting, but all you
have to do is get on the motorway to get the speed up.

You see on the news from time to time that a child has been hit crossing a
road because the driver was speeding and couldn't stop (or slow down) fast
enough, or perhaps it's a car that took a corner too fast, etc... I know MY
life is worth more than a few minutes off the travel time, and I'm sure
yours is too.

My suggestion on the speeding ticket... just pay it and slow down, it's a
safety issue not politics... Learn the lesson, or it's completely wasted

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Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by EricW » Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:17 am

Hi Jo,

With the greatest respect to you, as a former Traffic Officer for some 7 or
8 years, I have, in the past, written possibly thousands of speeding

In each of those cases, I stopped, (note STOPPED) the driver involved
because his/her speed was excessive for the conditions and the time

I did something to stop the danger to the public THEN!

When I pass a camera van, with nobody in it, parked at the bottom of the
steepest and longest hill on the Auckland Motorway system, on a long
weekend, snapping every vehicle at 111 Km/h, I get bloody angry!

This does nothing to deter motorists who are dangerous, they know where it
is, they slow down and speed up once they have passed. It does not sstop
them. If the camera does happen to catch someone who really deserves it,
what does the camera do to alleviate the danger then?

Absolutely NOTHING! Do drivers learn a lesson? NO, it is merely an
inconvenience, a few dollars, which they don't pay until forced to anyway.

When it comes to speed in urban areas, you and I agree, to a point, but
there are many areas where limits are far too low for modern vehicles, as
there are also areas, though much fewer, where the limit of 50km/h is too
high. But in general, it is far better to have eyes outside the car, looking
for your kids, than inside looking at a speedometer to avoid a fine. Let the
car run at it's natural speed!

I'm sorry, the Motorway scenario above is "Revenue Gathering", pure and
simple, and I will oppose it every chance I get.



Bill Rehm

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:56 am

Well for the first time I have touched (positively) a nerve! :)

Back to my original question: would the fine be the same if I was doing
59 versus 61? What if any court costs will I be hit with if I decide to
fight for the 59 versus the 61?



Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by jeff » Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:49 am

Only thing is it would be more difficult to admit a
GPS reading as evidence than an independant test

BTW, the speedo has a calibration adjustment around
the back somewhere. So a certain range of (in)accuracy
seems possible.

--- Tim Dutton <timdut@xtra.co.nz> wrote:

Eric West

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Eric West » Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:17 am

Sorry Bill

I think you are on a hiding to nothing


From k.jones@auckland.ac.nz Fri Apr 27 18:15:34 2007
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Hi Mark

Look forward to seeing you on the 23rd.

If anyone else out there is thinking of doing some racing in their MX5
the Taupo dual sprints are a great way to start.
They allow you to practice your racing lines, braking points etc without
having to worry about getting in the way of other more experienced

Taupo CC is a very friendly club.


Bill Rehm

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:54 pm

Thanks Craig, your offer is genuinely appreciated as has everyone else's
views, though admittedly as usual some people go off on a tangent.

That is not the issue though, for if my speedo is off a bit that doesn't
help my case. At this point I have just two questions I woud appreciate
having answered which I mentioned in the beginning and in an email
earlier today which no one has answered yet: what is the difference in a
fine going 59 in a 50 zone and a fine going 61 in a 50 zone? What if any
court costs does this pathetic court system charge you if you decide to
stand up for your rights? (if you think the court system dealing with
traffic fines is bad, try dealing with the family court --- it's

Can the list remain focussed long enough to provide the answer to my two
questions? Then I can determine the probable negative ROI I will be
dealing with should I decide to tell the gov't FU, I'm taking up some of
your pathetic civil servant's time whose salary I pay through taxes so
they can justify their pathetic existance.

Have I made my query and objectives clear folks???



Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by susan » Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:18 pm

I think the deal is that you are exceeding the speed limit
by up to a certain km (75 or 80 I think, not sure).
Therefore, it's irrelevant whether you were going 59 or 61.
You were still going over the speed limit, which is what
they're accusing you of.



Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by ghead » Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:39 pm

Bill, maybe I can help - actually got a "proper" ticket last nite, on the way
back to Auckland from Rotorua.

The fines graduate depending on speed, with up to 10km/h over the limit
attracting the smallest fine ($80?). I was pinged last nite for 69 in a 50 zone
& copped a $120 fine. The only other fine I have had in recent times was for 71
in a 50 (unlucky!!) & I think the fine was $180.

So to answer one of your questions, the difference between the 2 is $40.

If you want to appeal, go right ahead - in my opinion just be thankful you
didn't get demerit points too (as I just did), take your lumps & move on. No, I
won't be appealing mine as it was my own stupid fault (driving my non MX5 & too
busy talking to my passengers to pay attention to either the speedo or the
whereabouts of hidden cops...


05/04/2004 14:18

Please respond to MX5List <mx5list@mx5club.org.nz>

To MX5List <mx5list@mx5club.org.nz>
cc (bcc: Graeme Head/R&SA/NZ)

Subject RE: Speed Cameras: HELP

I think the deal is that you are exceeding the speed limit
by up to a certain km (75 or 80 I think, not sure).
Therefore, it's irrelevant whether you were going 59 or 61.
You were still going over the speed limit, which is what
they're accusing you of.


Bill Rehm

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:02 pm

Mate, I'm sorry but as I read what you said that means whether I did 59
or 61 the fine is the same? That may be the case and that is what I want
to know. With regards to take your "lumps" statement, sorry mate where I
come from we don't acquience like most people do down here...

No insult intended as I obviously likke living here but that doesn't
mean I must "suck up' as a lot of people do.


Ian Chapman

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Ian Chapman » Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:07 pm


The LTSA website says exceeding the speed limit by not more than
10km/hr is a $30 fine and exceeding the speed limit by 10 to 15 km/hr is
$80. So that extra 2 km from 59 to 61 cost you $50. This is easy stuff
to find if you look. That answers your first question, as to the second
- I suspect a lot more than the fine if you involve a lawyer.

Now my opinion -you have effectively admitted in public (to this email
group) that you speed: "... on Tamaki Drive where I ALWAYS make sure I
stay at or under 60kph." We know there a couple of ex-cops on the list,
but I doubt anyone knows the occupation, interest or identity of
everyone on the list.

The fact is the law says if you speed you will pay. Whether you like
it or not, and until someone arranges the much talked about march to
parliament to protest (and I will be there if it's done constructively -
but I don't feel strongly enough to organise it) then I suggest we
either obey the law at or least don't bleat about the consequences when
we are wrong and certainly please don't boast about it as I suspect if
the people with power read about public boasting it will just make them
more determined to get harsher.

I too hate speed infringements but I've paid the ones I got as I was
breaking the law - whether I like the law or not is irrelevant.

Have a nice day everyone and drive safe.


Eric West

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Eric West » Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:08 pm

Ok Bill

It's really quite simple.

The Police apply a tolerance over the speed limit of 10KM/H, so at 59 there is no ticket and therefore no fine, but at 61 which is over the tolerance, there is a ticket and an $80.00 fine.

You can defend this, but the tolerance is a Police policy, not a legal defence. If you go to Court and say, "hey I was only doing 59" the Court will say "you were over 50, so convicted and fined $xx".

Court costs are what the Judge says they are but don't expect less than $40 and you could be up for $120, plus witness fees. The courts generally do not fine you more than you would have paid if you had simply paid up, but they can. You will probably find that the legal list of fines defines $80 as a fine for speeds 1 to 12 Km/h over the limit, so it's going to cost you $80 plus all the other fees


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Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by DBM58 » Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:38 pm

Keeping to the same theme, can anyone comment on the urban legend that claims that if you are fined, as in this example for speeding,you should pay a little more than the required amount, say $10 extra. The Fines Office are then obliged to refund the extra amount to you. But, if you do not cash their cheque, then the account stays open. Demerit points are not allocated to you until the account is closed.

Or, is this story from the same source as the one that claimed hanging a CD from your rear vision mirror deflects the evil radar beam?

David Moughtin


Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by ghead » Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:40 pm

wow, haven't heard of that one before... what would happen after 6 months &
the cheque goes stale?

Would anyone give them $10 extra, given the obvious angst this topic creates?


"David Moughtin" <Davidm@Snackmate.com>
05/04/2004 15:38

Please respond to MX5List <mx5list@mx5club.org.nz>

To "MX5List" <mx5list@mx5club.org.nz>
cc (bcc: Graeme Head/R&SA/NZ)

Subject RE: Speed Cameras: HELP

Keeping to the same theme, can anyone comment on the urban legend that claims
that if you are fined, as in this example for speeding,you should pay a little
more than the required amount, say $10 extra. The Fines Office are then obliged
to refund the extra amount to you. But, if you do not cash their cheque, then
the account stays open. Demerit points are not allocated to you until the
account is closed.

Or, is this story from the same source as the one that claimed hanging a CD from
your rear vision mirror deflects the evil radar beam?

David Moughtin

Ross Bryon

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Ross Bryon » Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:46 pm


As galling as it might seem, I don't think you were being told to just
"suck it up"...

Wether it's in Apathy Valley, NZ... or "where you (and I) come from",
discretion is still (usually) the better part... and saving our angst
and energy for *winnable* battles may be the better course.

I was once a participant in a bikers protest ride to Wellington
(protesting ludicrous proposed increases in rego fees)... from memory
we were 4,000+ motorbikes by the time we arrived at the Parliament
steps and were not even met by a member of the then government... only
a junior opposition minister there for the photo-op. But we did defeat
the proposal!

How many motorists do you think anyone could organize for a
speed-camera protest drive today? And since the AA has turned into a
thinly disguised SOE, where else do we turn?

Ross Bryon
91 BRG V-spec

Bill Rehm

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Bill Rehm » Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:49 pm

Phew... finally thanks Ian and thanks Eric for answering my questions
--- after about 25 emails mentally masturbated on all sorts of BS...

I may still go to court just for the amusement --- if only to take up some
of our pathetic civil servants' time whose salary we pay through our
taxes (and police revenue colections) so they can justify their pathetic


Colin Francis

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Colin Francis » Mon Apr 05, 2004 4:14 pm

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 15:38:33 +1200, you wrote:
Keeping to the same theme, can anyone comment on the urban legend that claims that if you are fined, as in this example for speeding,you should pay a little more than the required amount, say $10 extra. The Fines Office are then obliged to refund the extra amount to you. But, if you do not cash their cheque, then the account stays open. Demerit points are not allocated to you until the account is closed.

Or, is this story from the same source as the one that claimed hanging a CD from your rear vision mirror deflects the evil radar beam?

David Moughtin
THat was the case about 3 or 4 years ago. Some computer guy prior to leaving
programmed in the system a bit of code that left the account open and didn't
move on to the demerit point section until the debt was settled in full. A
credit just left the status the same. But as usual someone spoke to the wrong
person and it was hastily changed. Not sure how many were picked up on the
system for being in credit but i bet it was more than a few



96 Silver

Eric West

Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Eric West » Mon Apr 05, 2004 4:58 pm

Part of the job I hated, was going around to lift someone's licence, after they had clocked up 100 demerit points. Often it came as a surprise to the victim, who might have had speeding infringements only and never been to Court. There was nothing you could do to alleviate the situation, you turned up at their door, served the notice and that was that. They were off the road for three or six months, with no opportunity to organise their lives beforehand. If an Officer was going to get thumped, that was the time! Frankly, you could have some sympathy for most people, in that situation.



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