MX 5 and Ch-Ch weather WAS Re: Speed Cameras: HELP

Archives of Posts to the NZ MX5 List back in 2004
Colin Francis

MX 5 and Ch-Ch weather WAS Re: Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Colin Francis » Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:28 pm

On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 11:09:17 +1000, you wrote:
Enough already - I thought this list was for valid MX5 topics... Not
disrespecting each other and learning how to break the law...
It is indeed a pity that humour is not an ingredient that is allowed in the
I suggest we all stop posting in this thread and it will die and go away.

If anybody needs help as to how to killfile the subject of Speed cameras let me
know .

Now lets get back to MX 5's . In Ch-Ch it has been too wet and cold to have
the top down over the last 2 or 3 days. Today is no better. I think i will go
out to the garage and sit in the car for my daily fix . LOL


Col's law
* Thinly sliced cabbage *

Eric West

MX 5 and Ch-Ch weather WAS Re: Speed Cameras: HELP

Post by Eric West » Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:55 pm

I'm with you Colin!

I have my two Grandsons coming to see me over Easter, 11 and 8, they have not yet seen the MX5 so Poppa is going to introduce them to the joys of "Top Down" motoring. But, given the weather forecast, I just might need a pair of those essential MX 5 accessories, Possum Fur Nipple Warmers!

I wonder if we can get them with the club logo embroidered on, now that would be something to have!

Let's lighten up fellows, or I shall have to start telling jokes, trust me, you don't want that!



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